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MapJam Embedded Maps

开发者 MapJam
更新时间 2015年10月27日 07:36
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3
版权: MIT
版权网址: 版权信息


google maps maps map marker mapping map plugin latitude longitude easy map map embed bing maps easy mapping mapjam Esri maps HERE maps embed map



MapJam is the easiest way to add fully customized and branded maps to any WordPress site. It gives individual users and businesses the power to create branded, personalized maps helping to remove unnecessary clutter and highlight map content while providing context. MapJam is free to use and includes: Interactive Map: Static Map:


To install the plugin, download and unzip the ZIP file into your plugins directory. It is also possible to upload the zip file using the WordPress upload function. Then simply activate the plugin to start using it.


  • This is an example of a full short code which is using the default map settings set by the user on [MapJam](
  • This is an example of a complete attribute set for both static and interactive maps.


Where can I create my maps?

All maps can be created on MapJam where a user simply creates a free account and can access their maps database.

Where can I learn how to make a map?

Head to MapJam Support for video and text solutions to map making.

How does the shortcode work?

The shortcode has only the id attribute set, or the custom URL that you have reserved for your map. Ex. [mapjam id="MapURL"]

How can I change the default options for my map shortcode?

These settings can be changed in the edit section of your map on MapJam

How can I set the full shortcode without having to use the map default options?

To bypass the default map options, you will have to include a complete attribute set for both interactive and static maps. This includes:

  • Zoom Level
  • Latitude and Longitude
  • Enable/Disable Cluster (For interactive maps)
  • Set Dimensions (px)
Ex. [mapjam id="ggpark" zoom="10" lat="37.753344" long="-122.397995" cluster="8" width="500" height="300"]

