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Markdown Github

开发者 Nils Nolde
更新时间 2019年11月7日 17:41
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.1
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


markdown github


1.0.0 1.1.0 1.2.0


WordPress Plugin to use Github as collaboration and version control platform for Markdown documents. Advantages: It features the following shortcodes:
  1. [md_github token=YourToken url=Github URL]: Pulls raw HTML from the endpoint and styles it with Github markdown CSS
  2. [checkout_github token=YourToken url=Github URL]: Displays a formatted link to the repo with the date of the latest update
  3. [history_github token=YourToken url=Github URL]: Displays a commit history of the last 5 commits.
  4. [md_dashedbox_github token=YourToken url=Github URL]: Displays GitHub markdown file similar to nbconvert. This shortcode is mutually exclusive with md_github and checkout_github.
Github API is queried on every new load of the page, so that changes in the repository will immediately be reflected on your blog. Private authentication tokens help increasing the API limit to 5000 requests per hour (enough even for Digital Ocean blogs) and accessing private repositories. Idea and most of the code is based on Andy Challis' WP plugin to display Jupyter notebooks The CSS is taken from Usage All shortcodes take token and url as attribute. token is your private personal access token, which you can generate here. url is the full URL to your document on Github. E.g. [md_github token=1d6ef5ba426648ef7d2273aca2fc80787 url=] [checkout_github token=1d6ef5ba426648ef7d2273aca2fc80787 url=] [history_github token=1d6ef5ba426648ef7d2273aca2fc80787 url=] [md_dashedbox_github token=1d6ef5ba426648ef7d2273aca2fc80787 url=] Demo Check it out on of our blogs: Support Add issues at


  1. Install WP Pusher ( via ZIP and activate
  2. Install from Github via WP Pusher from gis-ops/md-github-wordpress
  3. Activate and add shortcode to your posts. Or directly from WordPress plugin repository.
Or install as ZIP from


c1.2.0 v1.1.0 v1.0.0