MassAdvertising has developed the best-in-class WordPress plug-in which eliminates:
- Limited Advertising
- Sophisticated Advertising Methods and Dashboards
To experience enterprise -branding- of your business while targeting millions around the globe with neuro-positive interactions, simply execute the following:
- Install
- Select the advertising package
- and... you are -off to the races-!!
New!: Support WordPress 4.0.0! is growing... and so are we! All of our systems are at peak levels and fully compatible with current versions of WordPress
With Mass Advertising You Gain
- Ability to promote your blog, site and branding across the globe -touching- millions of potential advocates!
- Our state-of-the-art -Unique- AD which will empower you with the ability to interact with your potential customers.
- The ability to improve your sites visibility via content. Content IS king!
- Most importantly...its absolutely free!
Upcoming features/releases
- More Advertising power / features
- Multi-lingual support
- Pop-up notification (when current campaign is paused) (DONE!)
- User-interface / user-experience enhancements (DONE!)
Released Features
- Simple account creation / activation (under 1 minute to register)
- Every account activation comes with a lite summary
- Full summary with Captcha Preview
- Optional Feedback and Gift component)
Step 1: Download the Mass Advertising Plug-in
Step 2: Go to Mass Advertising Dashboard
Step 3: Click on the -Unique- button to create -New Account-. The process is seamless and takes less than 1 minute to complete. You will then be forwarded to the WordPress Dashboard (Note: if not, simply login again with your new credentials)
Step 4: Go to the -Mass Advertising- Dashboard and click on -external summary-.
Step 5: Select your -advertising power-. (Note: Choose 1 and it's free)
Step 6: All Done! Go grab a coffee and run your business. Each MassAdvertising campaign undergoes a rigorous quality control and assurance check. This process may take a few hours and we will notify you once it is ready to execute.
Important Note: If you choose the -free campaign-, you will need to reactivate your campaign every 24hrs. This will prevent any unauthorized use or access to your site / blog.