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Material Design Icons

开发者 braginteractive
更新时间 2015年8月20日 00:28
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


icon font icons font icon UI material material design


0.0.2 0.0.3 0.0.4 0.0.5


Enables 1000+ Material Design icons within WordPress pages and posts. Icons can be inserted with a shortcode or HTML markup. Features Usage Material Design Icons can be used in 3 different ways: shortcode, HTML, and TinyMCE 1. Shortcode [mdi-icon name="material-ul" size="2x" color="red"] You can also use hex values for color: [mdi-icon name="material-ul" size="2x" color="#000000"] You can read more about shortcode usage on Github 2. TinyMCE Material Design Icons also provides you with a pop-up window when editing in TinyMCE's visual mode. Check out our Screenshots to see what it looks like. 3. HTML Note that prefixes are required for HTML usage. For this reason, shortcode usage is encouraged over HTML. A HTML version would look like: <i class="mdi mdi-material-ui mdi-10x" style="color:red;"></i>


To use any of the Material Design icons on your WordPress site follow the steps below:
  1. Upload material-design-icons to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Add the HTML markup or shortcode to your WordPress post or page.
A full list of the 1000+ Material Design icons is available: To use any of the Material Design icons on your WordPress site you have two options: HTML Examples Bell icon <i class="mdi mdi-bell"></i> Shortcode Don't want to worry about HTML tags? You can use a shortcode in your posts, pages and even widgets to display a Material Design icon. The shortcode to use is [mdi-icon name=X], where name=X is the class of the icon you would like to use. Examples Amazon icon [mdi-icon name="amazon"] Since v0.0.3 you can now add size and color. [mdi-icon name="amazon" color="red" size="2x"] Hex values will work for the color option and the include size values are: lg, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x Author


  • When you click the Material Design Icon in the post editor a pop-up window will appear to help build your icon shortcode.
  • Example of the HTML markup and the shortcode markup to display Material Design icons


  • tested on 4.3
  • update MDI to 1.1.70
  • fix icon font sizes
  • minor bugfix


Can I use this in any WordPress theme?


Can I use the icons within widget areas?



0.0.5 0.0.4 0.0.3 0.0.2 0.0.1