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Measuring Ruler

开发者 ankilov1954
更新时间 2021年3月12日 14:08
PHP版本: 7.1.33 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.7
版权: GPLv2 or later


size pixel position distance element length measuring measurement width height ruler


1.0 1.1


The plugin is designed to measure the height, width and margins of elements on the page during the preview when editing. It also shows the absolute and relative positions of elements. In auto-correction mode, the program can automatically detect the borders of elements and correct inaccuracies in cursor positioning. Auto-correction occurs at the end of the measurement. The plugin does not affect the appearance and html code of the page when its published. Tested on browsers: Yandex v20.8.3.115, Google Chrome v85.0.4183.121, Opera v70.0.3728.189, Microsoft Edge v85.0.564.51, Firefox v78.0.2. Usage
  1. Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Open an existing page for editing or create a new one.
  3. Make a preview of the page.
  4. Move the cursor to an element.
  5. Press the "M" key on your keyboard to enable measurement mode.
  6. Use the left mouse button to measure. There are two possible ways: measure from click to click; tap and pull.
  7. Press the "M" key again to disable measurement mode.
Additional features: press the "A" key on your keyboard to turn auto-correction mode on or off; use the "Esc" key to remove unnecessary measurement elements from the screen.


  • Press the "M" key on your keyboard to enable and disable the measurement mode.
  • The cursor becomes a crosshair. Its absolute coordinates are displayed next to it.
  • Use the left mouse button to measure. There are two possible ways: measure from click to click or tap and pull.
  • The absolute coordinates of the element, as well as its width and height, are displayed.
  • When the cursor is inside the element, its absolute and relative coordinates are displayed.
  • To turn auto-correction mode on or off, press the "A" key on your keyboard. Appearance of the cursor in auto-correction mode.
  • Measuring the distance between blocks.
  • The cursor and lines are clearly visible on both dark and light page backgrounds.


1.1 (05.12.2020) 1.0 (24.11.2020)