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Media Library Folders

开发者 maxfoundry
更新时间 2025年2月4日 20:09
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


media library folders organize media library


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Media Library Folders for WordPress creates actual folders in your WordPress Media Library: MLF adds to and works with the functionality of WordPress Media Library. It does not replace it.
Just what I was looking for! I use this on ALL my WordPress sites. I don’t know why you wouldn’t. It not only allows you to organize your image files in your WP site, but it also creates logical URL links to your files based on the folders you create and the name of the image file. So great! No more random numbers for image URL’s. Great for organization and better media! WordPress’s default media folders didn’t work for us on a project with strict requirements on organizing their uploaded files. We had trouble finding a low-impact solution that fulfilled all requirements. Media Library Plus solved all our issues, and we’ve been using it on a major site with 11 custom post types, hundreds of media files, and tons of other plugins/customizations — zero issues and exactly what we need! MLP performs beautifully and provides great media management features and functionality! To make matters even better support is extremely fast and responsive to inquiries. Great stuff!
Block Direct Access
Media Library Folders now includes Block Direct Access, our pro version feature that prevents unauthorized downloads of proprietary media files:
Media Library Folders Pro for WordPress Media Library Folders Pro for WordPress lets you: Using Media Library Folders for WordPress To get started download and install the Media Library Folders for WordPress plugin. Once Media Library Folders for WordPress is activated you will see Media Library Folders for WordPress in the WordPress dashboard menu. And you are ready to go watch our super helpful intro video! When you click on Media Library Folders for WordPress it displays the contents of the uploads folder where you will see the level folders such as ‘2016’, ‘2015’. We assume your site has the WordPress Media Library setting option ‘Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders’ selected. To view the contents of a folder, click on the folder image. To navigate up in the folder structure click on the links in the Location: breadcrumb string. Clicking an image will take you to the image attachment details page. If you close that page when you are done you will be in the old media library. Instead click your browser’s go back button twice and you will be taken back to the folder page. We also have an article on How to Sync your WordPress Media Library with FTP Folders if you have a large number of images. Button Bar The Button Bar provides the main functionality to manage folders and files and is located below the breadcrumbs navigation. When the mouse hovers over a button its function is displayed in the message area below the button bar. File/Folder Organizing Buttons Clicking the Add File button displays the upload box. Here you can select a single file to upload one or more files by dragging the image from the file manager and dropping them in the upload box. Uploaded files will be added to the current folder. New Folder – Allows you to create a new folder in the current directory. Move/Copy Toggle - Set the mode for drag and dropping of files. Individual files can be move or copied to another folder by dragging and dropping the file into the desired folder. Multi files can be selected by click each file's checkbox. Links in post and pages and feature image links are automatically updated when files are moved. Rename – Rename a file in the current directory. Folders cannot be renamed. Delete – The delete function let you delete select files. To delete a folder, Right click over a folder and click the menu the appears. A folder must be empty before it can be deleted. Select/Unselect – Select or unselect all files in the current directory. Sync - Checks the folder on the server for any files not listed in the Media Library and adds them to the Library. Sort by Date/Sort by Name – changes the display order of items in the current directory; either by name or by date. Search – Users can search for a file or folder by typing in the name of the file in the search box and pressing Enter. The search results page will display files and/or folders that are similar to the search text. You can click on an image or file to go to its folder or click on a folder view its contents. In the event that you need to rescan your database's image and folder data the Media Library Folders for WordPress Reset plugin has been included. To use deactivate Media Library Folders for WordPress, activate Media Library Folders for WordPress Reset and select Media Library Folders for WordPress Reset->Reset Database to erase the folder data. Then deactivate Media Library Folders for WordPress Reset and reactivate Media Library Folders for WordPress. MLF will perform a fresh scan of your database. Regenerate Thumbnails To start select one or more images from the main dashboard and click the 'Regenerate Thumbnails' button. To regenerate all the thumbnails on your site go the the Regenerate Thumbnails page of MLP and click the 'Regenerate Thumbnails' button. MLF will then process all of the images with an process indicator as it works on your job. Image SEO When Image SEO is enabled Media Library Folders for WordPress automatically adds ALT and Title attributes with the default settings defined below to all your images as they are uploaded. You can easily override the Image SEO default settings when you are uploading new images. Working with images and galleries after initial setup Media Library Folders for WordPress is a stand along plugin that contains an integration with MaxGalleria. With MLF you can add your images to MaxGalleria with a click of a button.


For automatic installation:
  1. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
  2. Click the Add New button.
  3. Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link.
  4. Select the plugin zip file from your computer then click the Install Now button.
  5. You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
  6. Click the Activate Plugin link.
For manual installation:
  1. You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed. If you don't, see your system administrator.
  2. Copy the plugin zip file up to your server and unzip it somewhere on the file system.
  3. Copy the "media-library-extended" folder into the /wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
  4. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
  5. Look for "Media Library Folders for WordPress" and click Activate.


  • Clicking the Add New button displays the upload box
  • The Search results page


Folder Tree Not Loading

Users who report this issue can usually fix it by running the Media Library Folders Reset plugin that comes with Media Library Folders.

  1. First make sure you have installed the latest version of Media Library Folders.
  2. Deactivate Media Library Folders and activate Media Library Folders Reset and run the Reset Database option from the Media Library Folders Reset sub menu in the dashboard.
  3. After that, reactivate Media Library Folders. It will do a fresh scan of your media library database and no changes will be made to the files or folders on your site.

How to Unhide a Hidden Folder

  1. Go to the hidden folder via your cPanel or FTP and remove the file ‘mlpp-hidden’.
  2. In the Media Library Folders Menu, click the Check for New folders link. This will add the folder back into Media Library Folders
  3. Visit the unhidden folder in Media Library Folders and click the Sync button to add contents of the folder. Before doing this, check to see that there are no thumbnail images in the current folder since these will be regenerated automatically; these usually have file names such as image-name-150×150.jpg, etc.
  4. Repeat step 3 for each sub folder.

Folders and images added to the site by FTP are not showing up in Media Library Folders

Media Library Folders does not work like the file manager on your computer. It only display images and folders that have been added to the Media Library database. To display new folders that have not been added through the Media Library Folders you can click the Check for new folders option in the Media Library Folders submenu in the Wordpress Dashboard. If you allow Wordpress to store images by year and month folders, then you should click the option once each month to add these auto-generated folders. To add images that were upload to the site via the cPanel or by FTP, navigate to the folder containing the images in Media Library Folders and click the Sync button. This will scan the folder looking images not currently found in the Media Library for that folder. The Sync function only scans the current folder. If there are subfolders, you will need to individually sync them.

Folders Loads Indefinitely

This happens when a parent folder is missing from the folder data. To fix this you will need to perform a reset of the Media Library Folders database. To do this, deactivate Media Library Folders and activate Media Library Folders Reset and select the Reset Database option. Once the reset has completed, reactivate Media Library Folders and it will do a fresh scan of the Media Library data.

Unable to Insert files from Media Library Folders into Posts or Pages

For inserting images and files into posts and pages you will have to use the existing Media Library. The ability to insert items from the Media Library Folders user interface is only available in Media Library Folders Pro. This does not mean you cannot insert files added to Media Library Folders into any Wordpress posts or pages. Media Library Folders adds a folder user interface and file operations to the existing media library and it does not add a second media library. Since all the images are in the same media library there is no obstacle to inserting them anywhere Wordpress allows media files to be inserted. There is just no folder tree available in the media library insert window for locating images in a particular folder. We chose to include the folder tree for inserting images in posts and page in the Pro version along with other features in order to fund the cost of providing free technical support and continued development of the plugin.

Unable to Update Media Library Folders Reset

Media Library Folders Reset is maintenance and diagnostic plugin that is included with Media Library Folders. It automatically updates when Media Library Folders is updated. There is no need to updated it separately. Users should leave the reset plugin deactivated until it is needed in order to avoid accidentally deleting your site's folder data.

Images Not Found After Changing the Location of Uploads Folder

If you change the location of the uploads folder, your existing files and images will not be moved to the new location. You will need to delete them from media library and upload them again. Also you will need to perform a reset of the Media Library Folders database. To do this, deactivate Media Library Folders and activate Media Library Folders Reset and select the Reset Database option. Once the reset has completed, reactivate Media Library Folders and it will do a fresh scan of the Media Library data.

Difficulties Uploading or Dragging and Dropping a Large Number of Files

Limitations on web server processing time may cause dragging and dropping a large number of files to fail. An error is generated when it takes to longer then 30 seconds to move, copy or upload files. This time limitation can be increased by changing the max_execution_time setting in your site's php.ini file.

How to Delete a Folder?

To delete a folder, right click (Ctrl-click with Macs) on a folder. A popup menu will appear with the options, 'Delete this folder?' and 'Hide this folder?'. Click the delete option.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time exceeded

The Maximum execution time error takes place when moving, syncing or uploading too many files at one time. The web site’s server has a setting for how long it can be busy with a task. Depending on your server, size of files and the transmission speed of your internet, you may need to reduce the number of files you upload or move at one time. It is possible to change the maximum execution time either with a plugin such as WP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded or by editing your site’s .htaccess file and adding this line: php_value max_execution_time 300 Which will raise the maximum execution time to five minutes.

How to Upload Multiple Files

Users can upload multiple files by using drag and drop. When the Add Files button is click it revels the file upload area either single or multiple files can be highlight can be dragged from you computer’s file manager and dropped into the file uploads areas.

Cannot Rename or Move a Folder

Because most images and files in the media library have corresponding links embedded in site’s posts and pages, Media Library Folders does not allow folders to be rename or moved in order to prevent breaking these links. Rather, to rename or move a folder, one needs to create a new folder and move the files from the old folder to the new. During the move process, Media Library Folders will scan the sites standard posts and pages for any links matching the old address of the images or files and update them to the new address.


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