Linux 软件免费装

Memberful - Membership Plugin

开发者 matt-button
Webby Scots
更新时间 2025年2月19日 15:07
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later


members membership paywall subscriptions stripe oauth recurring payments recurring billing memberful oauth 2.0


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Memberful is a best-in-class membership software and WordPress plugin used by some of the web's biggest creators, publishers, and independent media companies. Generate reliable, recurring revenue by selling subscription plans while protecting access to your content. Memberful allows you to maintain full control and ownership of your audience, your brand, and your business. Protect Content Integrations Membership Management Payment and Plans


The Memberful WordPress plugin makes it easy to integrate Memberful with your WordPress website and protect content—serverside—for members only. Install Memberful on a self-hosted WordPress site or a site hosted with— Creator plan or higher. If you are not on their Creator plan (or higher), and don’t want to upgrade, you can use the guided transfer service to move your content over to a self-hosted WordPress website. Install the Memberful WordPress plugin
  1. From your Memberful dashboard navigate to Website → Settings and click the link to activate the WordPress service.
  2. Activate the WordPress service
  3. Copy the WordPress registration key (ctrl/cmd + c).
  4. Install and activate the plugin on your WordPress site. Paste your registration key (ctrl/cmd + v) into the field and click Connect to Memberful.
  5. Once connected, your members will be signed into WordPress when they sign into Memberful. Their plans are also automatically synced, which makes it easy to protect WordPress content.
Review the plugin settings Navigate to Settings → Memberful in your WordPress dashboard to customize the appearance and behavior of the Memberful plugin. Configure role mapping The Memberful WordPress plugin can assign different roles to active (paying) members versus inactive (non-paying) members. Memberful will automatically keep the role mappings in sync. Navigate to Settings → Memberful → Advanced Role Mapping in your WordPress dashboard to map member roles. For a detailed walkthrough, visit


  • Install the Memberful WordPress plugin
  • Customize your page branding
  • Bulk restrict access to content
  • Name and price your plan
  • Add Default Marketing Content
  • Create dynamic posts
  • Create a subscription landing page
  • Choose billing frequency and subscription length
  • Enable the private RSS feed
  • Enable fade-out teaser text
  • Restrict content by category or tag
  • Copy plan purchase links
  • Access shortcodes via the Memberful editor button
  • Restrict access with shortcodes
  • Customize your checkout process
  • Enable free or paid trials
  • View metrics and revenue reports
  • View membership information


Do I need a Memberful account to use the plugin?

Yes. Memberful is a hosted membership service, and the plugin connects with Memberful to bring content protection, membership management, and single sign on features to your WordPress website.

Can I protect content on my WordPress website?

Yes, you can protect WordPress content with Memberful. Every page and post features a restrict access meta box where you can set specific permissions. We also include several helpful functions for use in WordPress themes or plugins.

How do I contribute to the plugin or report bugs?

Glad you asked! We manage development of the plugin over at the Memberful WP Github repository. Please report any bugs there. If you want to help fix something or contribute a feature, submit a pull request.


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