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Meneame Comments to WP

开发者 blogestudio
更新时间 2020年9月28日 23:58
PHP版本: 2.5.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.5.1


rss comments meneame


0.0.20 0.0.10 0.0.11 0.0.12 0.0.13 0.0.14 0.0.15 0.0.16 0.0.17 0.0.18 0.0.19 0.0.8 0.0.9


This plugin adds comments from your posts sent to "Menéame" to your blog's comments list automatically. The system detects trackbacks from "Menéame" and starts a 7-day task that downloads the new comments, every 30 minutes, adding them to your blog. See the Meneame Comments to WP page for further information.


  1. Upload the plugin directory to your "plugins", or "mu-plugins", directory.
  2. Activate the plugin, if you've installed it in the "mu-plugins" it's not necessary.
  3. Now go to Settings->Menéame Comments to WP and click "Menéame Comments First Load". This will download all the comments of every post sent to meneame and it will activate a system to check for new comments in meneame for posts sent less than 7 days ago.
  4. This system works automatically, so there is no need to intervene.


0.0.19 All users need update. 0.0.18 All users need update.


How can I list only comments of "Menéame"?

By default your posts comments and meneame comments will be mixed in your comments template. If you want to have them seperately follow these instructions: We have included a function that returns the list of the comments, called "meneame_comments__only_meneame."

  • meneame_comments__only_meneame("post_id=[ID]");

How can I list comments without including the meneame comments?

We have included a function that returns the list of the comments, called "meneame_comments__without_meneame."

  • meneame_comments__without_meneame("post_id=[ID]&comments=[0|(1)]&trackbacks=[0|(1)]");


0.0.20 0.0.19 0.0.18