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Mention comment's Authors by Wabeo

开发者 willybahuaud
更新时间 2016年5月30日 22:57
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


comments answer facebook twitter cite comment reply authors quote response mentions mention poke commentator


0.9.1 0.9.2 0.9.3 0.9.4 0.9.5 0.9.6 0.9.7 0.9.8


"Mention comment's authors" is a plugin that improves the WordPress comments fonctionality, adding a response system between authors. When adding a comment, your readers can directly mentioning the author of another comment, like facebook or twitter do,using the "@" symbol. This mention plugin add two features : This WordPress plugin is based on "jquery-sew" jQuery plugin, by You can find more information on this post : wabeo : Un système de réponse dans les commentaires


For a non-ajax website
  1. Upload the plugin's folder into /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. All done !
For an ajax-based website
  1. Upload the plugin's folder into /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Add the line add_filter( 'mcaajaxenable', '__return_true' ); to your fonctions.php theme file
  4. Call the function mcaAjaxChange(); in your javascript after each succefull ajax refresh
  5. Be sure to apply the filter "commment_text" each time you load comments in ajax
  6. All done ! ;-)


  • Screen capture of Mention comment's Authors in action
  • Screen capture of Mention comment's Authors in action
  • Screen capture of Mention comment's Authors in action
  • Screen capture of Mention comment's Authors in action
  • Screen capture of Mention comment's Authors in action


How to customize Mention Comment's Authors apparence ?

You can Easaly overide MCA style, in CSS, because all style use only one class (refer to the mca-styles.css file) But if you prefer, you can dequeue plugin's style and include (and modify) the plugin's stylesheet into your own theme file. To disable the inclusion of the style sheet, just add this code to the functions.php file of your theme : add_filter( 'mca-load-styles', '__return_false' );

Why the plugin isn't working ?

There are several reasons why the plugin does not work:

  • make sure your theme uses properly "comment_text" filter hook to display the comments
  • make sure your theme uses properly "comment_form" action hook after the comment form
  • make sure your theme uses properly "comment_post" action hook after publishing comments (if you're running an ajax based comment system). Don't forget to pass the arguments to this hook.
  • make sure there are no conflit between the plugin and your javascripts file (regards to dependancies !), maybe your script have to load after the plugin...

How to disable (or filter) mail sending ?

The plugin automatically sends an email to comment's authors having been mentioned by another user. If you want to disable this feature, just paste this code to the functions.php file of your theme : add_filter( 'mca_send_email_on_mention', '__return_false' ); But if you want, you can also and conditions. To help you filter, the hook embeds the comment and the list of recipients expected. For example, if you want to doesn't send mail to commentators already mailed by the "subscribe to comments" plugin, You can do this : `add_filter( 'mca_filter_recipient','dont_send_user_who_already_subscribe', 100, 2 ); function dont_send_user_who_already_subscribe( $recipients, $comment ) { global $wpdb; $su = $wpdb->get_results( " SELECT comment_author FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_subscribe = 'Y' AND comment_post_ID = {$comment->comment_post_ID};", ARRAY_N ); foreach( $su as $val ) if( array_key_exists( sanitize_title( $val ), $recipients ) ) unset( $recipients[ sanitize_title( $val ) ] ); return $recipients; }`


0.9.8 0.9.6 0.9.5 0.9.4 0.9.2 0.9.1 0.9