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MFS Post Viewer

开发者 mindfire-solutions
更新时间 2014年6月3日 21:49
PHP版本: 3.8.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.9.1
版权: GPLv2 or later


WordPress Tanmay Maity Mindfire Solutions Post Viewer WordPress Plug-in WordPress Free Plug-in WordPress widget WordPress free widget Manage multiple display multiples options in WordPress Plugin WordPress development




MFS Post viewer is a sidebar widget for WordPress which displays your recent posts. It will give you multiples options to manage the display of the posts. With this WordPress plug-in you can active a widget and the widget will give you multiples options to manage the display of the posts. Through this widget you can enable the slide show and can select the individual post from a post list. Also, you can select different category post. MFS Post Viewer Demo: Salient Features of MFS Post Viewer:
  1. User can display all posts from any specific category type.
  2. User can choose multiple category type from the category list. Only the selected category type's posts will be display.
  3. User can fix the quantity of posts will be display.
  4. User can display the selected posts from different category. In this feature you will get a list of individual posts from the categories which are already selected. From the list you can select the posts which you want to display.
  5. User can select the filter to choose the posts from latest or oldest.
  6. User can enable the slide show. Then the featured images of the posts will be display in a thumbnail slide show.
  7. User can select the slider speed with your own choice.
Supported languages: English About Author: The MFS Post Viewer is FREE and developed by Tanmay Maity . He is working with Mindfire Solutions as a WordPress developer. Tanmay is also a Vskills Certified Open Source CMS (Drupal) Professional


  1. Download the plugin, unpack it and upload the 'mfs-post-viewer' folder to your wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. In the widgets panel, drag the Post Viewer widget onto one of your sidebars and configure its specific settings.
  4. You're done. Enjoy.


  • This is the dashboard display of the plugin.
  • This is the web page post display without slideshow.


Don't have featured image for all post

For Slide show one demo images will be display in this post. You can differentiate the non-featured images post with their post name which will be display upon the images. For non-slider only post name will be display.

What will be happen if I insert '0' or blank in the 'Quantity of post' field?

It will take the default value 5 and will display 5 posts.

What will happen if I unchecked all category?

It will display all category type post.

Is MFS Post viewer free


