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Militant Moderates CSS Parent Selector MMPS

开发者 mmtechmaster
更新时间 2015年8月19日 06:31
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.0.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


CSS Custom CSS Parent Selector Pseudo Class Pseudo Element


1.1.3 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.2.2


Getting your Theme to look exactly right is an art form. Sometimes you need more flexibility. The Militant Moderates CSS Parent Selector (MMPS) plugin gives you that flexibility. MMPS adds Parent Selectors to standard CSS. Parent Selector CSS can apply style changes to any element in the Selector, not just the last one. Parent Selectors are easy to learn. Convert a standard CSS Selector to a Parent Selector by putting an exclamation mark '!' at the end of the Parent Element to style. New in 1.2.0: MMPS adds a place to enter custom CSS rules that will always be searched for Parent Selectors. Add CSS and Parent Selector style rules to the whole web site and to specific posts and pages. Complete details are available on the MMPS Plugin Home Page



  • This screenshot shows five examples of style changes applied to the Parent Element, in this case a table. The table's background color changes when the mouse `hovers` over the cells at (Row:Column) 1:1, 3:3, and 2:2. The color also changes when the mouse `clicks` in the cell at 3:1.
  • This screenshot shows the MMPS plugin settings screen where you add custom CSS and Parent Selector Rules to your site. The custom CSS Rules are applied to your site exactly as any other CSS Rules, however any Parent Selector Rules will also be processed by MMPS. If you have added Parent Selector Rules to other CSS sources then you can also configure MMPS to scan them as well.
  • This screenshot shows five examples of style changes applied to the Parent Element, in this case a table. The table's background color changes when the mouse `hovers` over the cells at (Row:Column) 1:1, 3:3, and 2:2. The color also changes when the mouse `clicks` in the cell at 3:1.
  • This screenshot shows the MMPS plugin settings screen where you add custom CSS and Parent Selector Rules to your site. The custom CSS Rules are applied to your site exactly as any other CSS Rules, however any Parent Selector Rules will also be processed by MMPS. If you have added Parent Selector Rules to other CSS sources then you can also configure MMPS to scan them as well.
  • This screenshot shows five examples of style changes applied to the Parent Element, in this case a table. The table's background color changes when the mouse `hovers` over the cells at (Row:Column) 1:1, 3:3, and 2:2. The color also changes when the mouse `clicks` in the cell at 3:1.
  • This screenshot shows the MMPS plugin settings screen where you add custom CSS and Parent Selector Rules to your site. The custom CSS Rules are applied to your site exactly as any other CSS Rules, however any Parent Selector Rules will also be processed by MMPS. If you have added Parent Selector Rules to other CSS sources then you can also configure MMPS to scan them as well.


1.2.2 General bug cleanup. We recommend you upgrade, but this revision contains only cosmetic fixes.


I can't make the Parent Selector Style work

Double-check that the Militant Moderates CSS Parent Selector MMPS plugin is activated using the Plugins menu in WordPress. If it is properly enabled, try testing your Style without the exclamation mark '!' modifier. Make sure the Style works and is applied to the Child element. Once you have made sure the Selector and Style rules work then put the '!' back into the Selector and try again.

Can I add custom CSS to my site with MMPS?

Yes. Space is provided to enter custom CSS and Parent Selector style rules to the entire website. Specific posts and pages may also have their own custom CSS.

Will MMPS recognize Parent Selectors I add to my Theme or using other custom CSS plugins?

Yes. MMPS will always search within its own custom CSS rules, but it can be configured to read external stylesheets and inline CSS as well.


1.2.3 (development) 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.1 1.1.0 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0