Linux 软件免费装


开发者 socksticker
更新时间 2014年3月6日 13:40
PHP版本: 3.6.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.7.1


comments recaptcha security registration bot anti-spam register antispam stop spam spam prevention anti-bot image captcha CAPTCHA mobile CAPTCHA PHP CAPTCHA Free CAPTCHA CAPTCHA Code user friendly



minotaur allows you to add CAPTCHA boxes for spam prevention, user friendly natural image recognition Sign up now in order to get your private key. Features: Requirements/Restrictions:


  1. Download the plugin and extract the folder contained within.
  2. Upload or copy the folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. Visit and sign up for a FREE minotaur key
  4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  5. Go to the 'Settings' menu in WordPress and set your minotaur host private key


What is the key I need to provide?

After you sign up to minotaur and register your website. Once directed to allHosts, you will see your new domain and its private key. Make sure to copy & paste the exact key value to your plugin's settings.

The CAPTCHA is not being shown

By default, registered users will not see the CAPTCHA. Log out and try again. If you don't want to hide the CAPTCHA from registered users (or other permission groups), simply uncheck the 'Hide CAPTCHA...' option or change the desired permission group on the minotaur plugin's settings.

Sometimes the CAPTCHA is displayed AFTER the submit button on the comment form

Best practice is to edit your current theme comments.php file and locate this line: ID); ?> Move this line to BEFORE the comment textarea and the problem should be fixed. Alernately, you can check the 'Rearrange CAPTCHA's position on the comment form automatically' option on the minotaur plugin's settings, and javascript will attempt to rearrange it for you. This option is less recomended.

