Have you been looking for a syntax highlighter that is safe to use on both the visual and the HTML WordPress editor? What
about a tool that highlights your syntax
While writing your code, and also checks for syntax errors?
Well, look no further.
Mivhak is a lightweight syntax highlighter for WordPress, based on a slightly modified version of the great
Ace Code Editor.
Mivhak comes with a simple settings panel that allows the user to setup basic plugin behavior and appearance.
Additionally, code can be easily inserted to both the HTML and the visual editor using a TinyMCE popup the features live syntax highlighting and error checking for 100+ languages.
- Lightweight - minified CSS and JS, language scripts and themes are loaded on request
- Supports 130+ different programming languages
- 36 different skins
- Visual + HTML editor code insertion buttons
- Backend code editor with live syntax highlighting and error checking
- Options to add caption text, change starting line, highlight single/multiple lines, and much more!
- Easy-to-use control panel
- Visual editor placeholders with floating control bar (see screenshots)
- Automatic code highlighting for <pre>, <code> and/or <xhr>
- Works with Markdown
- Inline and block code widgets
Useful Links
Available Translations