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MLSImport - Download and synchronize real estate data from various MLS (Multiple Listing Services)

开发者 mlsimport
更新时间 2025年1月6日 16:31
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


Real Estate MLS Real Estate Listings Property Search Multiple Listing Services MLS Integration Real Estate properties MLS Data Download Real Estate Data Property Listings Data Synchronization MLS Connectivity Real Estate Software MLS API Data Import Real Estate Solutions Real Estate Agents MLS Access MLS Automation Property Database MLS Services Real Estate Professionals MLS Plugin


5.7.5 5.8.1 5.7.3 5.8.2 5.8.6 5.8.3 5.8.4



  1. Review our video tutorials here
  2. Install and enable the plugin by searching for 'MlsImport' in your plugin install page
  3. Signup with and get your credentials
  4. Make sure you have valid MLS access credentials
  5. Under your WordPress admin's "MLS Import Settings" section, use the credentials, select your MLS from the list, and add your MLS access credentials.
  6. If your MLS requires "activation via ticket," open a ticket in your dashboard, and we will activate it.
  7. Go to the "Select Import Fields" tab and select what fields you want to import
  8. Create and publish a new 'MLS Import Item". Pick your property type, status, counties, or cities, and click start import when ready.


What themes can I use with the MLS Import plugin?

MLS Import works with the best Real Estate WordPress themes. The currently supported themes are WpResidence, WpEstate, Houzez, and Real Homes. More themes will be added soon.

Will you import thousands of images?

No, we do not import thousands of images (or any image). We ensure images are served from your MLS, so your server is not overcrowded with photos.

Will my local MLS work with MLS Import?

MLS Import plugin can connect and import from all RESO-ready MLS. Check this supported list. If your MLS needs to be added to the list but you would like to know if it's possible to use it, contact us to learn more. As a member, the MLS must use his API access to use the MLS import plugin. That is because, as a solution, the MLS Import plugin imports/replicates the properties directly into the MLS member domain.

Is MLS Import SEO friendly?

With MLS import, you can effectively manage your real estate website's content, which helps you create a website optimized for search engines. Additionally, you can conveniently handle and monitor all generated leads.

How many listings can I import?

You control how many listings you want to import and have special filters available to select which properties.


5.8.6 5.7