If you create lots of images, graphics, audio clips, or video clips you probably go to some trouble to put metadata (titles, copyrights, track names, dates, and all that) into them. You may also put tags and ratings (one to five stars) on your media files.
- JPEG image files have EXIF metadata.
- MP3 audio clips have ID3 metadata.
- PNG files have their own kind of metadata.
- Adobe is pushing an interoperable standard called XMP to hold metadata as well.
If you use a production tool like Acrobat, Adobe Bridge or Audacity, you probably put this kind of metadata into your files. And then you probably rekey it when you put the files into your WordPress site.
This Media Metadata Workflow Wizard plugin will get you out of doing that. Now you can have that metadata transferred into the Media Library automatically when you upload your media.
You can choose to have the creation date in your media file used as the "Uploaded" date in WordPress. So, for example, your photos can be ordered in the media library in order of the date and time they were taken, and your pdfs in the order they were scanned.
You can specify templates defining what metadata items should be used to create each WordPress attachment post's fields: title, caption, alt text, and description.
For audio files, MMWW can automatically create the [audio] shortcode provided by
Jetpack. Choose Link To Media File and the shortcode will be generated for you. WordPress 3.6 and later has an integrated audio player, so you may not need this feature. The Settings page lets you turn this behavior off.
If you use the [Media Tags][
https://wordpress.org/plugins/media-tags/] plugin together with this one, you'll be able to handle metadata tags as a taxonomy. You can also use metadata ratings (one to five stars) as a taxonomy.
Install and activate this plugin in the usual way.
WordPress 4.1.1 compatibility.
WordPress 6.0 compatibility, minor bug fixes.