Linux 软件免费装

Mobile App Converter

开发者 tytus-tytus
更新时间 2014年9月30日 20:22
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


post google widget posts plugin sidebar page comments admin images mobile twitter mobile app android ios tidio goapp



Discover our Mobile App Converter! Plugin which allows you to convert your website into mobile application, within couple of seconds even without any programming skills. All you need to do is install our extension, then simply pick logo and menu, and you’re just one click from publishing your mobile application on app markets such as App-Store, Google Play or Windows Phone Market. Possibilities: Benefits: Note For proper functionality of mobile app, it's essential that your site is fully compatible with mobile devices, preferably in Responsive Web Design(RWD) technology.


  1. Go to WordPress Control Panel
  2. Click "Plugins", then "Add New"
  3. Type in "Mobile App Converter by Tidio" and click "Search Plugins"
  4. Download and install the Plugin
  5. Click the "Activate Plugin" link
  6. Move to the "GoApp" section in the menu
  7. Done! Now you can start work on your mobile site


  • Initial release.


Do I need to sign up in order to use the GoApp?

No, in order to use the GoApp you just need to install the add-on and it’s done! No registration/logging in.

== Screenshots

