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Mobile ShareBar

开发者 somutech
更新时间 2014年11月30日 04:11
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0.1
版权: GPLv3


google responsive social facebook share twitter social share whatsapp buttons google plus sharebar social buttons google+ somutech


1.2.0 1.0 1.0.1 1.1 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.2.1


Displays a customizable bar with WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ share buttons on top or bottom of your website. More and more traffic By using the Mobile ShareBar you get more and more social traffic to your website! Users will share your good content by using the best-visual-buttons of Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and WhatsApp with their friends. Especially WhatsApp is nearly the best way to share websites on smartphones. WhatsApp Sharing for iPhone and Android Smartphones Currently the WhatsApp Button only works on iPhones and Smartphones using the newest Android version. So it will be displayed only to those who access your page with one of these phones. It appears when user scrolls down on your page. Realtime Preview You can edit the ShareBar and see the results in real-time (currently not working with custom CSS). Post-Types You can select specific post-types where you want the ShareBar to appear. It supports: the frontpage, posts, pages, categories, archives, tags and custom-post-types. By choosing custom-post-types you can declare each one individual by its name. Have fun with this Plugin ... and thank you for your good rating and review!


  1. Upload the mobile-sharebar folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the WordPress Mobile ShareBar plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the plugin by going to the Mobile ShareBar menu that appears in your admin-settings menu


  • Mobile ShareBar Settings in /wp-admin/
  • Custom Facebook, Twitter & Whatsapp Share-Buttons
  • Mobile ShareBar Settings in /wp-admin/
  • Custom Facebook, Twitter & Whatsapp Share-Buttons
  • Mobile ShareBar Settings in /wp-admin/
  • Custom Facebook, Twitter & Whatsapp Share-Buttons


1.1.1 * fix 1.1.0 added twitter button connection removed fixed width of sharebuttons bug fixes 1.0.2 *fixed some encoding issues 1.0 *first version


1.2.1 *minor bug fixes 1.2.0 WhatsApp Sharing is now available on Android Smartphones. Have fun! new design custom css possible added google+ button landscape mode displays the buttons on the left of the viewport bug fixes 1.1.1 * fix 1.1.0 added twitter button connection removed fixed width of sharebuttons bug fixes 1.0.2 added the usage of right-to-left language fixed some encoding issues 1.0.1 *minor bug fixes 1.0 *first version All Changes