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Intercom Live chat and Lead generation by 79mplus

开发者 79mplus
更新时间 2024年11月8日 12:59
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


chat email newsletter marketing communication lead intercom grow user base



The easiest and most extendable WordPress plugin for Intercom. This lets you offer a live chat bubble, a lead generation form for listing your users with Intercom and offers a wide range of extensions for many popular plugins. [youtube] Documentation | Demo Features The key features of 79mplus plugin are: Grow and Track Grow your user base and keep track of users. Helps you to gather users and grow your user base. Intercom further helps to keep track of your users. Use OAuth to connect to Intercom No need to create your own app to get the access token. Just click the OAuth connect button and give our app the necessary permissions to interact with your Intercom account. Lead generation form You will get a standard lead generation form to get users in, like any other lead generation form. You can place it wherever you want, in a post or page. Flexibility and customization We are flexible to meet your customized requirements. We believe our add-ons would provide a wide range of support but we also are eager to listen from you on your requirements and generate necessary support tools and enrich our product library. They are similarly easy to use and we make sure instructions are provided for all. Details here: Extensions available Extra add-ons or extensions are available so that you can extend the functionality with popular plugins. We currently offer add-ons for: E-commerce Integration: Demo Site Interested? Check out the plugin in action on our demo site: Documentation If you need detailed help, we’ve got you covered. Check here: What is Intercom? Intercom is a fundamentally new way for internet businesses to communicate with customers, personally, at scale. It’s a customer communication platform with a suite of integrated products for every team – including sales, marketing, product, and support. Their products enable targeted communication with customers on your website, inside your web and mobile apps, and by email. Built with Developers in Mind Most extendable, adaptable, and open source — Mplus Intercom Subscription is created with developers in mind. Contribute on GitHub.


Easy way:
  1. Go to WP Admin - Plugins - Add New
  2. Search for "mplus intercom"
  3. Install the one from 79mplus, then Activate it or Manual way:
  4. Download the plugin zip file
  5. Extract it
  6. Upload the plugin directory to wp-content/plugins
  7. Activate Mplus Intercom Subscription plugin from WP Admin - Plugins
Configuration After you activated the plugin, you can go to WP Admin - Intercom Subscription menu and enter the Intercom Access Token there. Then take 2 minutes to add this shortcode in the page you want the form to appear: [mplus_intercom_subscription] This should be all needed for a basic setup. If you are interested in more changes, check the other settings. Optional: If you want to enable the ability for your users to create a company for the company selection field, you can create a new page with this shortcode below: [mplus_intercom_subscription_company] Then select it on settings page. The link will appear below the company selection field (see screenshot).


  • Settings page
  • Settings to enable Company Integration (optional)
  • Company field on the form
  • Company create page


1.0.23 Upgrade to fix the menu image not showing issue. 1.0.20 Upgrade to enjoy company integration feature on Intercom API/Dashboard. 1.0.18 Option name for API Access Token has been changed. If API Access Token appears blank, please put it again manually. Has important changes. Please upgrade immediately. 1.0 (Initial release. Please Install.) 2.0.0 Implemented OAuth connection to intercom and chat option.


How can I install the plugin?

Easiest way is to go to WP Admin - Plugins - Add New, and search for "mplus intercom". You will have an option to Install and Activate it. Afterwards, you just need 5 minutes to put the Access Token in the Intercom Subscription settings page and put the [mplus_intercom_subscription] shortcode in any page or post you like.

Is there any third party plugins required?

For the base plugin (this one), no other plugin is required. It takes care of itself. For the addon plugins however, you may need the plugin for which you bought it for. For example, to use "Mplus Intercom Subscription - WooCommerce" addon, you would need WooCommerce to be installed.

How can I get the Intercom Access Token?

To create your Access Token, go to: and then click 'Get an Access Token'. Details here:

Can I customize the form?

Yes, you can include styles for the form on your theme to customize it.


3.0.0 2.1.0 2.0.1 2.0.0 1.1.0 1.0.27 1.0.26 1.0.25 1.0.24 1.0.22 1.0.20 1.0.18 1.0