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MSFC Frontend Manager for WooCommerce

开发者 underdogsdev
更新时间 2022年11月5日 03:33
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce e-commerce woocommerce frontend manager frontend product mangager msfc woocommerce frontend manager msfc front-end manager




This plugin enables you to manage WooCommerce products, orders & categories from your site front-end. Just install and active then ready to go. Plugin Features


FOR STANDARD INSTALLATION: Installing this plugin is very easy just like any other WordPress plugin. Please follow these instructions:
  1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > Add New, search for "MSFC Frontend Manager for WooCommerce" and click on "Install Now"
  2. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/.
  3. Activate the plugin from plugins page.
  4. Go to Setting > Permalinks and select/check "Post name" from Permalink common settings then click on save change button.
  5. Now plugin is ready to go.
  6. Go to WooCommerce "My Account" page as an administrator or shop manager then you will get "Mange Product" button, just click on it.


  • Front-end Order List
  • Front-end Order Details
  • My Account Page (Click Manage Product Button)
  • Front-end Product List
  • Front-end Add Product
  • Front-end Edit Product
  • Front-end Product Category List
  • Front-end Add Category
  • Front-end Edit Category
  • Front-end Order List
  • Front-end Order Details
  • My Account Page (Click Manage Product Button)
  • Front-end Product List


Which type of products can I manage from front-end?

You can manage only simple type products from front-end.

Is it mandatory to update permalinks settings to Post name after install plugin?

Yes, It's mandatory.

Can I Add/Edit/Delete product from front-end?

Yes, you can.

Can I add/edit/delete product category from front-end?

Yes, you can.

Can I check order list and order details from front-end?

Yes, you can.

Can I update order status from front-end?

Yes, you can.

Can I sent order invoice to customer email from front-end?

Yes, you can.