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Multi Purpose Mail Form

开发者 mahlamusa
更新时间 2017年3月11日 00:20
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


email form recaptcha contact form email form contact custom subscription form custom forms form creator form generator google captcha unlimited forms country list


0.6.1 0.6.2 0.5 0.6 0.6.5 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2


The Multi Purpose Mail Form wordpress plugin allows you to add a custom form to your website to allow your visitors to send emails to you directly from your website or blog. The Multi Purpose Mail Form also includes an email subscription form that you can use to capture visitors' email addresses for service updates or newsletters. Just paste [mpmf] anywhere in your post or page to display the contact form or [subscribe] to display the subscription form, or [mpmfcustom id="ID"]-Message/Note-[/mpmfcustom] for custom forms. This wordpress plugin sends all data submitted via your website or blog to your email address.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
  1. Unzip and upload multi-purpose-mail-form folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place [mpmf] for the default contact form or [subscribe] for the default subscription form anywhere on your page or post if you are a non-developer
  4. Place [mpmfcustom id="ID"]-Custom Message-[/mpmfcustom] for the custom contact form anywhere in plugins or posts - ID is the form's id available on your admin
  5. Place <?php mpmf_default_form() ?> for the default contact form or <?php echo mpmf_subscribe(); ?> for the default subscription form
  6. Optional: link to us by placing [supportlink] in a page or post, or <?php echo link_to_us(); ?> on your template
  7. For custom forms, first look for the form name and form id of the form you want to use, you can find these by clicking on 'Manage Forms' or 'Preview Forms' under 'MPMF' on your admin side menu, your only need the 'Form Id' to use the form as follows [mpmfcustom id="Form Id"]-Custom Message-[/mpmfcustom] where "Form Id" is a number - the id of the form you want to use and -Custom Message- is any message or writing you want to appera above the form on your page or post.
  8. Use wordpress


  • screenshot1.png - Shows the main menu and the main page of the plugin where you can create forms.
  • screenshot2.png - Form Preview and form design screen. This is where you build your form by adding your fields
  • screenshot3.png - Adding or customizing a form field with multiple options
  • screenshot3.png - Default form on the frontend
  • screenshot5.png - Custom form displayed in web page
  • screenshot6.png - Plugin Settings screen
  • screenshot7.png - Received data. Shows the data that was sent from the custome forms. You can now see the data right in your admin


No upgrade required


Do you have any online videos for the plugin?

Visit our YouTube Channel for up to date video tutorials and plugin documentation.

How to create a custom form?

Go to your admin, under MPMF, To create a form, just enter its name in the text box label "Form Name" under "New Form" on the Main page, then click "Create". On the same page

How to add fields to my newly created form?

Now you can start adding fields by clicking on "Edit Fields" next to the form you want to edit. You will see the list of fields you can add to your form in the form of buttons you can click on the right sidebar of the page. You will also see a live preview of the form after adding a field to it.

How to update Form / Field details?

On the main page accessible by clicking "MPMF" on the dashboard, you can click "Edit Field" next to the name of the form you want to add fields to. You will be taken to a page with the form's preview and buttons representing fields you can add.

How can I delete a form or a field?

Go to your dashboard and click "MPMF", you will see a list of your currently available forms. Click delete next to the name of the form you want to delete.

Where do I see my forms before I can publish them

Go to your wordpress admin page, under 'MPMF' click 'Edit Fields'. On the page that will open you will see a preview of the form you selected.

How do I use my custom forms

In the form list on the main page of the plugin, copy the shortcode on the right of the plugin you want to insert to a page. Paste the shortcode in any page/post you want it displayed.


1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0 0.6.1 0.6 0.5