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Multibanco, MB WAY, Credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Payshop, Cofidis Pay, and PIX (ifthenpay) for WooCommerce

开发者 webdados
更新时间 2025年1月15日 19:56
PHP版本: 7.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


card multibanco mbway payshop cofidis


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“Pagamento de Serviços” (payment of services) on Multibanco (Portuguese ATM network), and MB WAY (using the customer’s mobile phone number), are the most popular way to pay for services and (online) purchases in Portugal. Portuguese consumers trust the “Multibanco” and “MB WAY” payment methods more than any other. This plugin will generate a “Multibanco” payment Reference the customer can then use to pay for his WooCommerce order, through an ATM or homebanking service, or an “MB WAY” payment request which will send a push notification to the customer’s mobile phone for payment approval. Credit or debit cards, including Apple Pay and Google Pay, CTT Payshop, and Cofidis Pay payment methods are also available. Holders of a Brazilian bank account can conveniently pay for WooCommerce orders in Euros, with automatic currency conversion to Brazilian Real, using PIX. This is the official ifthenpay plugin, and a contract with this company is required. Technical support is provided by PT Woo Plugins (by Webdados) on the support forums. Fully compatible with the new High-Performance Order Storage and WooCommerce Checkout Blocks. Features: PRO add-on Get the PRO add-on and unlock extra features: The PRO add-on is a product of PT Woo Plugins (by Webdados), and is not provided by ifthenpay. Other (premium) plugins Already know our other WooCommerce (premium) plugins?



Can I start receiving payments right away? Show me the money!

You have to sign a contract with ifthenpay in order to activate this service. Go to for more information.

I’m an individual and not a registered business. Can I use this plugin?

ifthenpay only provides this service to registered businesses and equivalents (like tax-registered freelancers, for example). You should contact ifthenpay if you need additional details on this matter.

The generated Multibanco reference does not contain the order number. How do I know which order was paid?

ifthenpay will send you an email each time a reference is paid, but the reference does not contain the order number. By design, our plugin does not include the order number in the reference due to the way WooCommerce/WordPress sets orders/posts IDs. Anyway, you do not need the order number in the reference, because our plugin uses a callback mechanism. ifthenpay automatically notifies WooCommerce when a specific Multibanco reference is used for payment. The order is linked to the reference in the database and, also automatically, will be set as paid. If you still need to know to which order a reference is linked to, use the search box in the WooCommerce Orders administration screen.

How do I test the callback call to simulate a payment and foresee what happens when a real payment is made by a customer?

Edit your wp-config.php file and set WP_DEBUG to true. Then, place a test order in the frontend using any of the plugin’s payment methods. Go to the order edit screen and click the “Simulate callback payment” button. Don’t forget to set WP_DEBUG to false again, as it should not be active on a production website.

How to issue an MB WAY or Credit or debit card refund within WooCommerce?

Just like in any other WooCommerce payment gateway that supports refunds. Check out the instructions carefully here (Automatic refunds, step 4) and here (WooCommerce specific instructions).

Can I use this plugin, and the ifthenpay service, on more than one website?

Yes, but not with the same payment method keys. Ask ifthenpay for different credentials for each website, and payment method, you need the service to be available. There is no extra costs involved, and you can even route payments to distinct bank accounts.

Can I change the payment instructions look and feel in the “Thank you” page and/or the new order email, as well as the SMS message format?

Yes, you can, but you should know your way around WordPress filters. There are filters to do this and you can find examples within hooks-examples.php.

Can I change the payment gateway icon on the checkout page?

There are also filters for this. See hooks-examples.php.

I want to charge an additional fee for these payment methods. How should I do it?

You shouldn’t! To our knowledge, it’s illegal under Portuguese law and a European directive to charge an extra fee based on the payment method chosen by the customer. If you don’t care about legislation, plugins are available that allow you to set extra fees per payment method. Please, don’t ask us for support on this.

How much time does the customer have to pay with MB WAY?

The MB WAY payment requests expire after 4 minutes.

Why doesn’t the customer receive an email when paying with MB WAY, Credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PIX?

These payments need to be approved immediately after checking out. WooCommerce only sends payment instruction emails for payment methods that require later, and not immediate payment, like Multibanco, Payshop, and Bank transfer, for example. The customer will still get an email, if properly configured on WooCommerce, upon payment (just not before).

Do Apple Pay and Google Pay support Express Checkout?

Not at this time. Apple Pay and Google Pay are processed via the ifthenpay Gateway. Everything related to payment happens there, and the customer is redirected back to the website afterward. This means the checkout addresses are the ones the user entered on the website checkout page, not the ones provided by Apple or Google, which also means any custom field will be collected, which doesn’t happen on Express Checkout.

[WPML] My website is multilingual. Will I be able to use this plugin?

Yes. This plugin is officially WPML compatible. You will need the WPML and WPML String Translation Plugins (alongside WooCommerce Multilingual, which is mandatory for any WooCommerce + WPML install).

[WPML] How can I translate the payment method title and description the customer sees on the checkout page to secondary languages?

Go to WPML > String Translation > Search and translate all the strings in the woocommerce and multibanco_ifthen_for_woocommerce domains containing ifthen_for_woocommerce in their name.

[SMS] How to include the Multibanco and/or Payshop payment instructions in the SMS sent by “WooCommerce - APG SMS Notifications”?

Go to WooCommerce > SMS Notifications and add the %multibanco_ifthen% and/or %payshop_ifthen% variables to “Order on-hold custom message”.

[SMS] How to include the Multibanco and/or Payshop payment instructions in the SMS sent by “Twilio SMS Notifications”?

Go to WooCommerce > Settings > SMS and add the %multibanco_ifthen% and/or %payshop_ifthen% variables to “Customer Notifications“ > “On Hold SMS Message”.

[SMS] How to include the Multibanco and/or Payshop payment instructions in the SMS sent by “YITH WooCommerce SMS Notification”?

Go to YITH Plugins > SMS Notifications > SMS Settings and add the {multibanco_ifthen} and/or {payshop_ifthen} variables to “On hold”.

[Advanced] Can I use a specific Multibanco Entity/Subentity or Key, MB WAY, Credit card, or Payshop Key based on order details?

Yes, you should use the multibanco_ifthen_base_ent_subent or multibanco_ifthen_base_mbkey, multibanco_ifthen_base_mbwaykey, multibanco_ifthen_base_creditcardkey or multibanco_ifthen_base_payshopkey filters. See hooks-examples.php.

[Advanced] The order is set to “On Hold” for Multibanco and Payshop, can I make it “Pending” by default?

You shouldn’t but… yes, you can. Just return false to the multibanco_ifthen_set_on_hold and/or payshop_ifthen_set_on_hold filter. Be advised that no “new order” email, with payment instructions, will be sent to the customer unless you use some plugin or custom code to force it.

[Advanced] I’ve set up WooCommerce to cancel unpaid orders after x minutes, why are my Multibanco and/or Payshop orders not being canceled?

WooCommerce only automatically cancels “Pending” orders, not “On Hold”, because these orders are set to be paid by offline methods (like Multibanco or Payshop), and payment can occur at any time, even after the order is canceled. Still, if you want to take that risk, just return true to the multibanco_ifthen_cancel_unpaid_orders and/or payshop_ifthen_cancel_unpaid_orders filter. You can also restore that order’s product stock by returning true to the multibanco_ifthen_cancel_unpaid_orders_restore_stock and/or payshop_ifthen_cancel_unpaid_orders_restore_stock filter, although the WooCommerce team doesn’t recommend it. Be advised the Multibanco or Payshop reference will still be active and can be paid later on.

[Advanced] Can I prevent the plugin from adding the payment instructions and/or the payment received message to emails?

You can use the multibanco_ifthen_email_instructions_pending_send and/or mbway_ifthen_email_instructions_pending_send filter: return false and the payment instructions won’t be included in the “new order” email – we do not recommend you to do it, though. You can use the multibanco_ifthen_email_instructions_payment_received_send and/or mbway_ifthen_email_instructions_payment_received_send filter: return false and the payment received message won’t be included in the “Processing” or “Completed” email.

ifthenpay says my callback URL is returning a 404 error. Is there a solution?

You probably have weird permalink settings (or permalinks not set at all) in your WordPress install. If your permalinks are set as “Plain”, tell them to change the callback URL from https://yourwebsite/wc-api/WC_Multibanco_IfThen_Webdados/?chave=[CHAVE_ANTI_PHISHING]... to https://yourwebsite/?wc-api=WC_Multibanco_IfThen_Webdados&chave=[CHAVE_ANTI_PHISHING].... If your permalinks are set as “Custom structure”: /index.php/%postname%/ tell them to set the callback to https://yourwebsite/index.php/wc-api/WC_Multibanco_IfThen_Webdados/?chave=[CHAVE_ANTI_PHISHING]...

Is this plugin compliant with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

This plugin does not collect or send any private data of the website where it’s installed, its customers, or the orders, to Webdados (the plugin author) or ifthenpay (the payment processor). In the MB WAY module, the mobile phone number is collected to request payment authorization and it can be legitimately processed based on Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR. ifthenpay’s privacy policy can be found at

Is this plugin compatible with the new WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage?


Is this plugin compatible with the new WooCommerce block-based Cart and Checkout?


I need technical support. Who should I contact, ifthenpay or Webdados?

Although this is the official ifthenpay WooCommerce plugin, development and support is provided by Webdados. For free/standard support you should use the support forums here at For premium, urgent and experimental integrations support or custom developments you should contact Webdados. Charges will apply. Any support related to failed payments or credit card authorizations should be directed to ifthenpay.

Where do I report security vulnerabilities found in this plugin?

You can report any security bugs found in the source code of this plugin through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team will assist you with verification, CVE assignment and take care of notifying the developers of this plugin.

Can I contribute with a translation?

Sure. Go to GlotPress and help us out.


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