Turn your Wordpress custom-post taxonomies into a search powerhouse! This plugin gives you the ability to provide your users with a widget full of dropdowns based upon parent terms (criterias) and their sub-terms (options).
For example, if you have multiple countrie terms in a country parent term, you can search throw custom-post by selecting one of the countries.
You can use this plugin as a widget or in a content with a shortcode.
- Custom post choice
- Taxonomy choice
- Terms selection (parents/criterias and children/options), can manually sort them
- Automatic addition of the new terms/options in the selection, or not, with alphabetical re-ordering or not
- Simple or multiple selection
- Narrow search (all of the criterias) or broaden search (any of the criterias)
- Let the user choose the search type
- Ordering of results by default or by title
- Generates complete URL
- Does a proper URL-Rewrite if permalinks are enabled
- Pagination
- Search without selection : display all or do nothing
- Can hide empty terms (ie: without related custom-posts)
- If the empty terms are hidden and after a narrow search, disable terms which give no results if added to the previous search
- The results are displayed as custom-post archive
- Can use jQuery plugin Select2 or not
- Can use a shortcode
Thanks to Zackdesign's Multiple Category Selection Widget plugin (zackdesign plugin http://wp.zackdesign.biz/category-selection-widget/) which gives the basic idea.