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Multiselect Lite Ultimate Query Plugin

开发者 InoPlugs
更新时间 2011年6月29日 16:39
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2 beta 2


post page wordpress categories taxonomies taxonomy custom category select query queries custom value



This powerful plugin allows you to create your own query of posts and pages and displays the result wherever you like it on a page only by adding a shortcode to the page. The great feature is, that you can use nearly all the capabilities of a Wordpress query without having to change anything in the themecode of the page and this is completly independent from the internal Wordpress-loop for the page. An installed parser checks your input and supports you with error messages and helps you to form a correct query. There are predefined output sections, that allow you to choose, what parts of information of your queryresults you want to show. The output is styled with CSS-classes and has therefore a standard behaviour, that can be used without any changes by many themes. An extensive set of custom CSS-classes, which are bound to the query, allow you to customize the output of each query independently in nearly any way you like. The newest versions of this plugin can be found here: InoPlugs Multiselect Lite version. I'll try to keep the repository up to date but it's easier to host updates on my site. You'll get support there too (just leave a comment). This plugin is the free lite version of InoPlugs Multiselect Premium which will be coming soon and can be download here: InoPlugs Multiselect Premium - it offers a lot more features (database storage of queries, option panel for defining queries and syntaxchecker, etc.).


How to install the plugin and get it working.
  1. Upload inoplugs_multiselect_lite to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or use the WordPress plugin installer to install the plugin.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Place your shortcode on the pages where you need it (see documentation in folder documentation_multiselect - open file index.html with any webbrowser) or Online Documentation
The $inoplugs_const variable is set to true by default. You can set it to false to deactivate credits.


Just upload the new plugin files and delete the old plugin files.


Is there an online link to the documentation with updates ?

Here you find the online version of the documentation including the latest information and examples. This documentation also includes all the features of the Premium version.
