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Music Store - WordPress eCommerce

开发者 codepeople
更新时间 2025年1月9日 01:04
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


audio music shop music player music store


1.0.235 1.0.228 1.0.234 1.2.2 1.0.225 1.0.232 1.2.3 1.0.221 1.1.9 1.0.230 1.0.223 1.1.13 1.0.220 1.0.237 1.0.224 1.0.227 1.0.233 1.0.222 1.1.4 1.0.226 1.0.229 1.0.231 1.0.238 1.1.18 1.1.8 1.1.7 1.0.239 1.1.12 1.0.242 1.0.243 1.0.246 1.0.249 1.0.248 1.0.251 1.0.252 1.0.254 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.0.240 1.0.244 1.1.11 1.1.6 1.0.253 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.14 1.1.10 1.1.15 1.1.16 1.1.5 1.0.245 1.1.19 1.0.241 1.0.247 1.1.17 1.2.1 1.0.250 1.2.0


Music Store - WordPress ecommerce features: ♪ Allows selling audio files via PayPal, Square Up, iDeal - Mollie. Payments are SCA ready (Strong Customer Authentication), compatible with the new Payment services (PSD 2) - Directive (EU) ♪ Allows selling the Music Store products via WooCommerce cart (Experimental feature) ♪ Allows a custom setup of the online store ♪ Includes an audio player that supports formats: OGA, MP3, WAV, WMA ♪ Includes multiple layouts for the Music Store ♪ Allows sharing songs in social networks (ex: Facebook and X) ♪ Supports all most popular web browsers and mobile devices ♪ Includes a module to track sales statistics Music Store - WordPress ecommerce is an online store for selling audio files (music, speeches, narratives, everything audio), that alternatively allows selling its products via WooCommerce. Music Store - WordPress ecommerce protects your audio files, preventing them from being downloaded without permission. The audio player in the Music Store supports all major browsers in desktop and mobiles devices, and the MP3, WAV, WMA and OGA audio formats. More about the Main Features: The "Music Store" plugin integrates with: For other editors, use general-purpose controls like HTML or shortcode inserters for shortcodes. The base plugin, available for free from the WordPress Plugin Directory has all the features you need to create a WordPress ecommerce on your website. Premium Features Demo of Premium Version of Plugin Are the download links secure? Access to song files in the WordPress store is safeguarded: If you want more information about this plugin or another one, don't doubt to visit the website: [youtube] Installing and using the free version of the Music Store - WordPress ecommerce [youtube] Installing and using the premium version of the Music Store - WordPress ecommerce [youtube] Inserting a product, and product list, on a web page and sidebars. Premium version of plugin. [youtube] Buying in the Music Store - WordPress ecommerce.


To install Music Store - WordPress ecommerce, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the "Plugins > Add New Plugin" menu option
  2. Enter "Music Store - WordPress eCommerce" in the search box
  3. Install and activate the plugin
  4. Go to "Music Store > Store Settings" menu option to set up your store.


  • Music Store Song Section
  • Song Edition Interface
  • Music Store Collection Section
  • Collection Edition Interface
  • Integration with the Gutenberg Editor
  • Integration with the Elementor Editor
  • Integration with the Page Builder by SiteOrigin
  • Music Store Insertion Button
  • Music Store Insertion Interface
  • Product Insertion Interface
  • Products List Insertion Interface
  • Insertion Interface for Sales Counter
  • The Available Widgets for Insert the Products, Products List and Sales Counter in the Website's Sidebars
  • Filtering Sales Report
  • Sales Reports
  • Available layouts
  • Songs Importer Section
  • Customize Templates Section


Q: Why the sales button don't show?

A: Please, check the store and produtcs settings to be sure the products are not being distributed for free. More information in the following link: Click here

Q: Why the songs don't displays on music store?

A: Please, check the song's status, and it there are ticked the option for selling as single: Click here

Q: Why the audio file is played partially?

A: It is the common behavior if has been configured the product to protect the audio file for selling. Please, visit the following link: Click here

Q: Why the music player is not loading on page?

A: There are different possible causes, from the theme's development, until uncaught javascript errors in the webpage (not necessarily generated by our plugin): Click here

Q: What can I do if the music-store directory exists and the premium version of plugin cannot be installed?

A: The recommended method for installing the premium version is deactivate and delete first the free one. As the process does not modifies the database, the upgrade is safety: Click here

Q: Does allow the music store a different payment gateway than PayPal?

A: From now the Music Store includes support only for PayPal, we're working in other alternatives (in development yet), however, if you need to use a different payment gateway, do not hesitate in request a custom coding service from the following link: Custom coding service

Q: Can the customers pay directly with its credit cards?

A: Yes, that's apossible, however, you should enabling the option in the payment gateway: Click here

Q: Is possible the selling of songs in exclusive?

A: The professional version of the plugin includes different payment models, allowing to define standard and exclusive prices, even allowing the users pay what they considering fair: Click here Tip: If was defined a discount for a song, it is not applied to the exclusive sales.

Q: How to display different numbers design in the sales counter?

A: The numbers apearance can be termined through the shortcode, or replacing the number images. Click here

Q: How can I modify the Music Store design?

A: There are different alternatives to modify the store's appearance, selecting a different layout, through the attributes in the store's shortcode, or editing the template files. More detailes in the following link: Click here

Q: Is possible promote a product, or products list?

A: A possible solution would be inserting products, or products list, in pages and sidebars: Click here

Q: Are the downloads protected?

A: The plugin implements some protection rules: Click here

Q: How forcing to the browser to download the songs distributed for free?

A: To force the download, please follow the instructions published in this LINK.

Q: How to prevent the access to the audio files in the "uploads" directory, from browsers?

A: Click here, and follow the instructions to create a .htaccess file for protecting the website's files.

Q: How to hide the popularity of products?

A: To hide the popularity of products, would be required edit some css rules. Click here

Q: Can be modified the size of audio files played in safe mode?

A: Simply edit the percentage of the audio files for demo in the store's settings. Click here

Q: How to display the tracks list in the collections pages with a predetermined order?

A: Click here

Q: Can be sold only collections, and not individual songs?

A: More details to exclude the songs for selling: Click here

Q: Is possible to include different versions of a same song?

A: Yes, that's possbile using collections. Click here

Q: Can be modified the store's settings in a specific page?

A: It is possible modify the store directly from the shortcode. Click here to know the all supported attributes

Q: I've inserted a shortcode to insert a particular song in a page; but it is loading with the same layout that the songs in the store. Can be loaded the song or collection with all its attributes? With the layout used in the particular page of the product.

A: That's possible select the product's layout from its shortcode. Click here

Q: Is there any restriction on the size of the audio files to upload to the server?

A: The limits are defined directly in the PHP script on the web server. Click here

Q: Why the zipped files with the purchased products are failing?

A: The restrictions depend of the settings in the PHP Script on the web server. Click here

Q: A customer that has purchased a product from the store, has not downloaded the song in the time interval defined in the store's settings. What can I do in this case?

A: The download links can be resetted. Click here

Q: How to know the products purchased by a customer?

A: The plugin includes a sales reports with a record for each sale. Click here

Q: Can be customized the download page?

A: The download page is a common page with part of its content defined at runtime. Click here

Q: Why the customers are not receiving the download links after purchase the songs?

A: Please, check the PayPal settings. Click here for additional information.

Q: The IPN is enabled in my PayPal account, but the customers are not receiving the emails with the download links.

A: Please, check the plugin settings following the instructions published here

Q: Can the customers return automatically to the download page after purchase a song?

A: That's possible but modifying the settings of your PayPal account. Click here

Q: The download page is displaying a 404 Error, page not found

A: Be sure you have not deleted the download page. Click here

Q: How to insert the shopping cart icon in all the website's pages?

A: Click here

Q: The shopping cart page is displaying a 404 Error, page not found

A: Be sure you have not deleted the shopping cart page. Click here

Q: Can sell the music store tangible products?

A: Click here for additional information.

Q: Can be created multiple products at time, or should be created one by one?

A: The plugin includes the importing module. Click here

Q: How to configure the IPN on PayPal Sandbox ?


Q: Is possible to search by artists, albums or genres from the search box of my website?

A: The plugin allows searching by taxonomies. Click here to know how activate this feature.


1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.1.19 1.1.18 1.1.17 1.1.16 1.1.15