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开发者 drago888
更新时间 2016年11月2日 18:59
PHP版本: 3.0.1 (Only tested on version 4.6.1) 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


free inventory stock counts


1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.7


A simple Inventory management system that allows from 10-19 levels of UOM. Eg. Carton <- Box <- Piece will be 3 levels of UOM.\ Meaning that 1 carton will contain X number of boxes and 1 box will contain Y number of piece. Only tested for iribbon and ocin-lite themes. Plugin Dependencies : WordPress Twitter Bootstrap (from iControlWP), Insert PHP Non Wordpress plugin dependencies : Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap select, JQuery Validation, Bootstrap Datatables Bootstrap shall be using version 3. Below is a description of the functionality allowed for each user roles rights view_inventory - can see/select from the inventory, stock_mod_inventory - can add/remove stocks from inventory create_inventory - can create new inventory (this is only for txt table) mod_inventory - can modify current inventory (this is only for txt table), delete_inventory - can delete inventory (this is only for txt table), view_inventory_master - can see/select from any master tables (starts with @wp_@myi_mst. note that @wp@ is the wp table prefix) mod_inventory_master - can modify any of the mst tables, create_inventory_master - can create any of the mst tables, delete_inventory_master - can delete any of the mst tables, create_user - can create a new user mod_user - can modify the new user delete_user - can delete the user. Note that user is not physically deleted in wp_users tables. To physically delete, use wordpress dashboard users.\ please take note that if physically deleting the user might break any past logs/transaction mod_roles - can modify the roles for any users. Do not modify the administrator as it will change the administrator role. view_logs - can view the logs view_reports - can view the reports when enqueue css for child theme, remember to set priority to more than 99999 so that it will load after the plugin Take note when deleting plugin, all databases and wordpress roles created by the plugin will be deleted. Thus ensure that all the users\ are not using any roles starting with myi. Only users that had their roles changed in the application will have any chance of their wordpress role been changed. When using ocin-lite theme, remember to change the submenu background color in css to non white so that can see the wordings.


Download the zip file and unzip into your wordpress wp-content/plugins directory.\ Go to the wordpress dashboard (plugins) and activate it.


  • Searchable Product List
  • Store Manager Menu List
  • Menu - User
  • Menu - Master Setup -> Client
  • Menu - Master Setup -> Product
  • Menu - Master Setup -> Unit Of Measure (UOM)
  • Menu - Master Setup -> Category
  • Menu - Master Setup -> Location
  • Menu - Master Setup -> Product to Category Linkage
  • Menu - Master Setup -> Setup Product UOMs
  • Menu - Stocks
  • Menu - Logs
  • Menu - Reports
  • Stock Count Reports selection


  • Initial rollout


How do I change the default client_cd?

To change the default client_cd, go to myi-inventory/assets/setup_tables.sql and modify the statement INSERT INTO @wp_@myi_mst_client (client_id, client_cd, client_name, client_remark, deleted, create_date, create_by_id, last_mod_date, last_mod_by_id, delete_date, delete_by_id) VALUES (NULL, 'Default', 'Default', NULL, 0, now(), @cur_user_id@, now(), @cur_user_id@, NULL, NULL); to INSERT INTO @wp_@myi_mst_client (client_id, client_cd, client_name, client_remark, deleted, create_date, create_by_id, last_mod_date, last_mod_by_id, delete_date, delete_by_id) VALUES (NULL, 'Name I want', 'Default', NULL, 0, now(), @cur_user_id@, now(), @cur_user_id@, NULL, NULL); then rename myi-inventory/assets/delete_tables.sql to myi-inventory/assets/delete_tables_prod.sql\ followed by rename myi-inventory/assets/delete_tables_dev.sql to myi-inventory/assets/delete_tables.sql Deactivate the plugin and then reactivate it. Followed by the below to revert back (in case accidentally click on deactivate and all tables deleted) rename myi-inventory/assets/delete_tables.sql to myi-inventory/assets/delete_tables_dev.sql\ rename myi-inventory/assets/delete_tables_prod.sql to myi-inventory/assets/delete_tables.sql

How do I get my theme css to take precedence over the css of the plugin?

For any themes css to take precedence over the plugin, set the priority of the theme to higher than 99999.\ eg.\ // set priority to 999999 so that will load after plugin\ `add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_enqueue_styles',999999 );\ if ( ! function_exists( 'my_theme_enqueue_styles' ) ) {\ function my_theme_enqueue_styles() {\ wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );\ wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style-rtl.css' ); $parent_style = 'parent-style'; wp_enqueue_style( $parent_style, get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array( $parent_style ) ); } }`

Can I transfer the same products into different packings?

So long as it is the same product with the same smallest UOM, you can transfer between each other. Eg. Product A have the below UOM Sets. (1.) Box <- (X50) <- Packages (2.) Box <- (X100) <- Packages (3.) Box <- (X1000) <- Pieces You can transfer between (1.) and (2.) as both have the same smallest UOM (Packages).\ However, you can't do it for (3.)\ In order to transfer from (1.) to (3.), you need to add in the number of pieces per package for (1.)

Why can't I delete the product/UOM/Category etc?

Ensure that there are no longer any inventory for that product.\ Ensure that the product/UOM/Category is no longer in use. (also not set in Prod UOM Setup).

Hey!!! Some codes in this plugin belongs to me

I try to give proper credit to all the Authors of my codes.\ However, at times (especially when rushing dateline), I might have forgotten to give you proper credit. Please forgive me and drop me an email at indicating the function name and the author name.\ I will add into the codes the proper author of the function.

Who is the photographer for the plugin header (the warehouse photo)?

The photo belongs to Ronnieb.\ You can find the photo at

I can't see the menu items

Ensure that you have created a menu named primary.


1.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.0.6 1.0.7