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myCred - MemberPress Integration (Gamification for Membership Sites)

开发者 mycred
更新时间 2025年1月21日 21:17
PHP版本: 4.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


membership points rewards memberpress mycred memberpress integration


1.0.7 1.0.3 1.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.0.6


Important Notice: myCred MemberPress addon has been merged into the Toolkit. Future updates will now be available exclusively within the Toolkit. myCred MemberPress addon will no longer receive updates and will be deprecated. Take your MemberPress membership subscription process to the next level with myCred MemberPress add-on - The best WordPress gamification add-on for MemberPress. myCred MemberPress gives you the power to award myCred points to your users whenever they subscribe to a membership on MemberPress. What is MemberPress? MemberPress is an “all-in-one” membership plugin for WordPress that helps you build astounding WordPress membership sites, accept credit cards securely, sell online courses, control who sees your content, and sell digital downloads... all without the difficult setup. MemberPress will help you confidently create, manage and track membership subscriptions and sell digital download products. How can myCred MemberPress help my business? myCred is an intelligent and adaptive points management system that allows you to build and manage a broad range of digital rewards including points, ranks and badges on your WordPress/WooCommerce powered website. With myCred MemberPress add-on, you can build brand loyalty by rewarding myCred points to customers just for signing up or renewing their membership subscription! Create and customize different myCred point types and adjust multiple hooks for multiple membership types. myCred MemberPress add-on Features Active Events myCred MemberPress add-on Requirements


1.0.7 TWEAK – Added depreciation notice for existing users. 1.0.6 TWEAK – Added notice for current users. 1.0.5 TWEAK – Compatible with WordPress Version 6.6.1. 1.0.4 TWEAK – Compatible with WordPress Version 6.5.2. 1.0.3 TWEAK – Added compatibility for the myCred v2.6. 1.0.2 New – Compatible with WordPress Version 6.2. 1.0.1 New – Compatible with WordPress Version 5.8.1. 1.0