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MyCryptoCheckout - Bitcoin, Ethereum, and 100+ altcoins for WooCommerce

开发者 edward_plainview
更新时间 2024年12月27日 14:40
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3


woocommerce bitcoin payments ethereum bitcoin woocommerce


2.104 2.97 2.75 2.101 2.102 2.103 2.24 2.25 2.99 2.137 2.114 2.141 2.70 2.31 2.32 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.41 2.50 2.52 2.53 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60 2.61 2.63 2.67 2.68 2.69 2.71 2.72 2.74 2.76 2.77 2.82 2.83 2.85 2.86 2.87 2.88 2.89 2.91 2.105 2.94 2.33 2.62 2.73 2.84 2.92 2.132 2.51 2.118 2.123 2.119 2.54 2.56 2.64 2.65 2.66 2.96 2.124 2.128 2.129 2.131 2.22 2.42 2.95 2.107 2.20 2.26 2.93 2.112 2.113 2.115 2.21 2.27 2.55 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.109 2.111 2.116 2.106 2.108 2.127 2.117 2.122 2.138 2.139 2.28 2.30 2.78 2.121 2.125 2.126 2.133 2.23 2.29 2.98 2.134 2.135 2.136


Cryptocurrency payment gateway for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. Receive coins, including Bitcoin, directly into the wallet of your choice. Key Features & Highlights The free license can process 5 sales per month. A flat rate license can be purchased for your account that includes unlimited transactions if you require more. Bulk pricing is available if you need to use MyCryptoCheckout on several domains. eCommerce platforms supported Cryptocurrencies supported: BASE tokens supported (Including MetaMask): BEP-20 tokens supported (Including MetaMask): ERC-20 tokens supported (Including MetaMask, ENS addresses): SPL tokens (Including Phantom) TRC-20 tokens supported: Polygon MATIC tokens supported: Fiat Autosettlements Autosettlement is a feature that enables you to connect MyCryptoCheckout to exchange(s) and automatically sell any received cryptocurrencies into fiat or stablecoins (USD, USDC, USDT, TUSD). This is a great tool for merchants who want to accept bitcoin/altcoins but prefer to cash out immediately to avoid market volatility. Supported exchanges: Cryptocurrency Donations Widget Receive donations in any of the cryptocurrencies supported by MyCryptoCheckout. Generate a widget using our simple shortcode generator and add it into any text widget or text editor. Shortcode generation options: Code snippets We have various code snippets that allow you to customize MyCryptoCheckout together with your e-commerce solution: See all available code snippets Security Disable the MCC currencies tab: after you have wallets setup you can prevent them from being edited in the WordPress admin. Add the following code to your wp-config file- define( 'MYCRYPTOCHECKOUT_DISABLE_WALLET_EDITOR', true ); Technical disclosure Upon plugin activation an account is created on the MyCryptoCheckout API server: The only data that is sent is your WordPress install's public URL and the plugin version. This info allows the API—which functions solely as a blockchain crawler—to return updated exchange rates, blockchain transaction confirmations, and license status (if any) to your site. The plugin version is used to help answer requests made by the plugin (different plugin versions speak to the API server differently). See how MyCryptoCheckout works. If your server cannot be reached by the API server this plugin will not be able to autoconfirm blockchain transactions.


  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Visit Admin > Settings > MyCryptoCheckout
  3. Check that your account looks ok
  4. Visit the currencies tab
  5. Set up one or more currencies
  6. Visit your WooCommerce payment gateway settings. The instructions included in receipt e-mails are taken from the WC MCC gateway instructions text boxes.
  7. Or visit your EasyDigitalDownloads payment gateway settings. The instructions included in receipt e-mails can be included using the {mcc_instructions} e-mail tag. The text is taken from the EDD MCC payment gateway instructions text boxes.
View a detailed step-by-step installation guide


  • Payment page
  • Account overview tab
  • Currencies tab
  • Edit wallet
  • Autosettlement tab
  • Edit Autosettlement
  • WooCommerce settings
  • Easy Digital Downloads settings
  • Donations widget
  • Donations shortcode generator


Unable to retrieve your account data

If MyCryptoCheckout is unable to retrieve the account data for your domain, it's usually due to the MCC API server being blocked from connecting to your install. Check for:

  • Coming soon mode / plugins
  • Maintenance mode / plugins
  • Password protection mode / plugins
  • Private site mode / plugins
  • Firewalls
If after disabling the above plugins you still can't get it working, then contact us and we'll try to find the cause of the problem.

Where can I find full documentation?

Full searchable docs can be found at

Incompatible plugin list

The following plugins prevent MyCryptoCheckout from working correctly:


2.139 20241121 2.138 20241116 2.137 20240722 2.136 20240717 2.135 2.134 Fix: Tell IOS Safari to not auto-format the amount field on the checkout page. 2.133 2.132 20240326 2.131 20231209 2.129 20231113 2.128 20230929 2.127 20230927 2.126 20230906 2.125 20230504 2.124 20230406 2.123 20230325 2.122 20230324 2.121 20230104 2.119 20221219 2.118 20221209 2.117 20220730 2.116 20220726 2.115 20220514 2.114 20220502 2.113 20220207 2.112 20220207 2.111 20211218 2.109 20211022 2.108 20211007 2.107 20211007 2.106 20211004 2.105 20210907 2.104 20210817 2.103 20210809 2.102 20210801 2.101 20210731 2.99 20210724 2.98 20210723 2.97 20210717 2.96 20210625 2.95 20210603 2.94 20210527 2.93 20210512 2.92 20210424 2.91 20210322 2.89 20210316 2.88 20210311 2.87 20210221 2.86 20210120 2.85 20210110 2.84 20201220 2.83 20201027 2.82 20200828 2.81 20200816 2.80 20200713 2.79 20200609 2.78 20200404 2.77 20200304 2.76 20200223 2.75 20200219 2.74 20200212 2.73 20200102 2.72 20191209 2.71 20191203 2.70 20191125 2.69 20191121 2.68 20191115 2.67 20191016 2.66 20191016 2.65 20190923 2.64 20190819 2.63 20190805 2.62 20190731 2.61 20190728 2.60 20190716 2.59 20190616 2.58 20190615 2.57 20190607 2.56 20190529 2.55 20190521 2.54 20190507 2.53 20190429 2.52 20190420 2.51 20190418 2.50 20190416