Upload the folder containing mythos360-widget.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
To add an IFrame My360 Store Window on a sidebar, browse to Appearance > Widgets and add the 'IFrame Widget" to desired sidebar. Configure the parameters such as IFrame Title, Dimensions, URL etc and save your changes.
To add IFrames to any post or page we suggest that you use the Markup Generator (under Settings > IFrame Markup Generator) and just copy-paste the generated markup to your Post/Page. More experienced users can just add the markup [dciframe]url,width,height,frameborder,scrolling,style[/dciframe], for instance [dciframe]http://www.google.com,50%,50%,1,auto,border:1px solid red;[/dciframe]. Please ensure that your URL doesn't contain any "comma" character.