Note: Suggested code changes / pull requests are welcome over on the plugin's companion github repository, here:
The Purpose of the plugin
The purpose of the plugin is to show the WP site administrator how many visits per page per day to their WP site.
What the Plugin Does
The plugin records an uri name for each page request on the WordPress site. Then in the WordPress admin area, in the Dashboard menu under Tools > Mzz-stat, a page shows a report of these statistics, including a count of how many URI (page/post) views per day. Thus by looking at the statistics page the WordPress administrator can know whether anyone is visiting their site, and, how many uri requests were made on which page on which day.
How the Mzz-stat plugin works
Upon installing and activating the Mzz-stat plugin, it installs its own table in the WordPress database alongside the other database tables. The plugin logic hooks into the wp_footer action hook, and each time someone requests any page on the site, the plugin inserts a record of that visit into the database table. Then, at any time the WordPress Administrator can go to the Admin page and see the report in the Dashboard menu under Tools > Mzz-stat menu. There will be a list of each page visited (for a time period) along with a count of how many visits for that page per day. If one deactivates the plugin, it will no longer insert records of uri requests unless/until the plugin is again activated. If one deletes the plugin then that will completely uninstall the plugin and remove the files, database table, and data.
Thanks to CrazyStat ( ) for inspiring me and thanks to this discussion: ( ) for helping steer the direction of the plugin.
To install the plugin manually, unzip the plugin and upload the entire "mzz-stat" folder into the "wp-content/plugins" directory of your WordPress website.
Then log into the WordPress dashboard, and under Plugins, click Activate.
The plugin follows the same install procedure as described at
To completely and permanently uninstall the plugin including its files and data, browse to the WordPress dashboard and under Plugins, under the Mzz-stat plugin, click Deactivate, then click Delete.