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Navilytics Heatmaps and User Recordings

开发者 connerh
更新时间 2014年4月15日 05:48
PHP版本: 2.0.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.8.2
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


tracking heatmaps click tracking recordings navilytics scrollmap mouse tracking




[Navilytics] ( is a website analytic tool that tracks all visitor actions, allowing you to then playback each visitor's browsing session, view mouse movement and click heatmaps, scrollmaps, and much more. For more information, check out [] ( Features include:


If you have a single file (ending in ".zip"), then use the Upload method. If you have multiple files, use the Files method. If you're installing from wordpress directly, just hit the big 'Install Plugin' button then enter your Navilytics member ID and project ID on the 'Navilytics' settings page. Upload
  1. From the plugins, add new screen, choose upload.
  2. Navigate to where the .zip file is located and select it.
  3. Make sure to activate the plugin once it is installed.
  4. Using the "WordPress General Settings" menu, navigate to 'Navilytics' and enter your Navilytics member ID and project ID.
  1. Upload the entire directory (not just the files) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Using the "WordPress General Settings" menu, navigate to 'Navilytics' and enter your Navilytics member ID and project ID.


  • Element overlay
  • Element list
  • Fully custom member panel
  • Visitor session recordings
  • Mouse movement and click heatmap
  • Scrollmap
  • Segmentation
  • Element overlay
  • Element list
  • Fully custom member panel
  • Visitor session recordings


1.0 This is needed.


Will this slow down my website?

No. Navilytics is designed to load asyncrhonously, meaning it will not block other elements on your page from loading while it loads.

Do I need to have a Navilytics account?

In order for Navilytics to function on your site, you must have a valid account with us. If you don't have an account, you should [create one] ( now - we offer a completey free, full-featured plan and it only takes a minute to sign up!

Will this work with advanced websites?

Absolutely! Navilytics is able to handle even the most advanced websites due to the technology we use. If a visitor session is recorded, you can be sure it is accurate and true to what they saw and did on your site.

