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Newsletter Professional

开发者 martinszigkos
更新时间 2011年9月30日 10:01
PHP版本: 2.3.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2.1


post google widget posts plugin sidebar links page comments email newsletter pages buddypress image admin images facebook newsletter widget email newsletter twitter subscribe mailer send newsletter email subscribe newsletter subscription



This free wordpress plugin lets you collect subscribers on your blog with a single or double opt-in subscription process. Create and send professional HTML newsletters to your users and subscribers within seconds. Newsletter Professional Features
  1. Create and manage your newsletters.
  2. Professional designed templates.
  3. Track statistics of subscribers.
  4. Display it as a widget on your site easy.
  5. Ability to modify subscription using a panel.


  1. Download and upload the file from the plugin panel or unzip the file and upload the folder newsletter-professional to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins panel in your WordPress Site.
  3. Go to Settings-> Newsletter Professional to configure the plugin.