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NEX-Forms - Ultimate Form Builder - Contact forms and much more

开发者 Basix
更新时间 2024年8月28日 17:57
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6.1
版权: GPLv3 or later
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forms contact form form builder wordpress form plugin popup forms


8.4.3 8.5.2 8.7.4 7.9.4 4.1 4.5 4.5.1 4.6.1 6.0 6.0.8 6.1.2 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.7 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.7.3 7.0 7.0.1 7.0.2 7.1.1 7.2 7.5.10 7.5.11 7.5.12 7.5.13 7.5.22 7.5.7 7.6 7.6.4 7.7 7.7.1 7.8 7.8.1 7.8.5 7.8.6 8.7.3 8.4.1 8.4.2 7.8.7 7.8.8 7.3 7.5.18 8.1 1.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 7.9.3 7.9.5 7.9.2 1.0.5 3.1.1 7.9.7 8.5.10 3.4 4.6 7.5.17 7.5.20 7.8.2 7.9.6 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 3.1 7.5.21 7.5.15 8.4 3.0 4.0 7.9.1 8.4.4 8.4.5 8.5.7 8.5.9 8.6.1 8.7.1 8.7.2 8.5.5 8.5.6 8.7.5


THE ONLY TRUE ALL IN ONE WORDPRESS FORM BUILDER NEX-Forms is the best WordPress Form Builder plugin for creating simple to complex forms. With tons off add-ons and features NEX-Forms is a complete online form and forms builder solution. See live Demo Documentation Download FREE Add-ons NEX-Forms is a high quality and simple to use drag and drop/single click form creator offering a wide range of customizability, flexibility, design and usability. Build any type of form Interactive Forms Personalise your forms using live form input by your users. In essence this gives your forms a realtime conversational feel. See Interactive Forms Examples Contact Forms Create beautiful Contact Forms in minutes! See Contact Forms Examples Cost Estimation Forms and Calculation Forms Use math logic to do simple to complex calculations in your forms on the fly. See Cost Estimation Forms and Calculation Forms Examples Conversational Forms Conversational forms eliminates the overwhelming nature of a form by focusing your user on single question at a time See Conversational Forms Examples Payment Forms or PayPal Forms Recieve payments via PayPal directly from your forms built with NEX-Forms. See Payment Form or PayPal Forms Examples Quiz Forms or Questionnaire Forms Create online quizes and questionnaires using multi-step forms. Generate different user messages and outcomes based on scores. See Online Quiz Forms Examples Booking forms and Order Forms Create online booking forms with smart date and time picker form fields. See Booking form and Order Forms Examples Subscription Forms Integrate your form with Email subscriptions including MailChimp, MailPoet, Mailster, GetResponse See Subscription Forms Examples Application Forms Create application forms and recieve relevant documents from file uploader fields. See Application Forms Examples Quick Forms or Quick Question Forms Collect large amounts of data quickly with single selection form submissions. Data collection made easy. See Quick Forms Examples Survey Forms Know your users! Build beautiful customer survey forms with tons and tons of options. See Survey Forms Examples Contract Forms or Contractual Forms Create formal contract forms with digital signatures and PDF's. Use signatures to sign contractual PDF's and email the binding documents to you and your users. See Contract Forms Examples Sticky Forms Add any form to your site's top, right, bottom and/or left borders. Slides open with customisable paddles. See Sticky Forms Examples Popup Forms Features include: RESPONSIVE DEVELOPMENT Built using the latest web technologies like html5, css3, and jQuery, rest assured NEX-Forms will look smashing on every device. 30+ FORM ELEMENTS Make use of 30+ Bootstrap styled fields with pixel perfect precision! More for less! MODERN DESIGN Designed with modern trends and techniques in mind, NEX-Forms will help you connect with your customers in a whole new and exciting way. DRAG & DROP Add and sort form elements with simple drag and drop. If you can play solitare you can build stunning web forms without a single line of code! FULL GRID SYSTEM Create any form layout with one of a kind draggable grid system! Includes unlimited grid nesting! MULTI-STEP FORMS Break your forms down into managable steps. Includes the ability to create online questionares! MATH LOGIC Perform simple and complex math equations from user selections and input. CONDITIONAL LOGIC Turn complex and cluttered forms into interactive user friendly forms by showing and hiding fields based on the user's selections and input. FORM ANIMATIONS Catch your users eye with 70+ super smooth animations. TONS OF ICONS Make use of 660+ icons that can be added to form fields. Font Awesome icons are vectors, which mean they're gorgeous on high-resolution displays. INTEGRATED WITH GOOGLE FONTS Allows you to easily add fonts from the Google Font Directory to use in your forms. Over 1200 fonts are made available in NEX-Forms. ANTI-SPAM CONTROL Whith NEX-forms built-in Anti-spam you will never receive an unwanted email. No captchas needed to prove your users are in fact human! EMAIL AUTORESPONDER Receive all your form data in fully customisable emails. Send admin emails to multiple recipients and/or send confirmation emails to end users! SUBMISSIONS STORAGE AND EXPORT All form submissions are stored in your database and can be viewed from the admin panel. Entries can also be exported to Excel! FORM EXPORT Export form with a single click. Includes all form settings and can be imported into any NEX-forms installation. SURVEY FIELDS Create beautiful surveys with thumb rating, star rating and smiley rating fields! PRE POPULATE FIELDS Set default field values! Auto-fill fields from other forms! Auto-fill fields from URL parameters! POPUP AND STICKY FORMS Use a NEX-Forms button or link or trigger the popup form using an existing element on the page. Add sticky-paddle/slide-in froms to any side of your site! SAME PAGE FORMS You can have as many forms on a single page as you need without any conflict! AJAX POWERED Submit forms without page refreshing! SIDEBAR WIDGET Add forms into your sidebars with WordPress Widgets. FILE UPLOADER FIELDS Receive files as email attahcments. Can also be viewed and downloaded from the backend. Includes file type validation and live image preview. HIDDEN FIELDS Add dynamic and/or static hidden fields to your forms for extra admin info from form submissions. THUMB SELECTION FIELDS Showcase your products in single and multi-selection fields. STYLING TOOLBAR Style your forms with ease using our one of a kind styling toolbar similar to popular tools such as Photoshop, Fireworks, MS Paint, etc. TASKBAR Work on multiple forms at the same time. Easily switch between task windows from the taskbar. A real time saver! PERSONAL PREFERENCES Save time by setting up personal preferences to be used as defaults for all new forms! FORM VALIDATION Make fields required and your validate fields as: Any Format, Email, Phone Number, URL, Numbers Only or Text only. MAX/MIN CHARACTER LIMITING Limit characters in multi-line text areas and single-line text fields by setting maximum/minimum characters allowed. Includes total character count indicator. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Save time using built-in keyboard shortcuts. For example, save a form by hitting CTRL+ALT+S. LIVE FORM PREVIEWER Preview your form in realtime, at anytime, while you are busy building it! DUPLICATE FORMS Duplicate existing forms with a single click! Duplicated forms include all the original form's settings! FORM TEMPLATES Create your very own custom form templates to be re-used time and time again! UNLIMITED FORMS There is no limit to how many forms you can have on your website PERSONALIZED ADMIN PANEL Create and save your very own personalized NEX-Forms admin panel layouts! TONS OF FIELD SETTINGS Customize your form fields with a huge variety of easy to use settings! FIELD DUPLICATION Copy fields, grids, panels and any form element so that you dont have to do any double work! EMBED OPTIONS Embed/Use forms in post, pages, sidebars and/or theme template files! Use NEX-Forms page/post editor button to generate shortcodes. REDIRECT AFTER SUBMISSION You can redirect your users to a specified URL after a form is submitted. For example to your own custom "Thank you" page, etc. SEND DATA TO CUSTOM URL Send submitted form data to a custom URL by using GET or POST method. Perfect for sending data to an alternative database! AJAX POWERED ADMIN PANEL NEX-Forms admin panel will give you a real desktop apllication feel with no page resfreshing. Everything is done and found in a single versitile admin tool! WP COLOR SCHEME ADAPT NEX-Forms admin panel will adapt to the colors of your selected WordPress color scheme! GLOBAL CONFIGURATION For example, you can disable the NEX-Forms widget so it does no show up on your WP widgets page... MULTIPLE EMAIL METHODS Choose your own mailing delivery methods from secure SMTP to normal WordPress Mail! ZERO CONFLICT ADMIN PANEL 3rd Party plugins and themes that include javascript and stylesheets will not affect the NEX-Forms admin panel! NEX-Forms will not affect any other plugin or theme. 30+ form elements that includes amazing field types Text, Textarea, Select, Muli-Select, Radio buttons, Check boxes, Star rating, Sliders, Spinners, Tags input, Autocomplete, Color palet, Datetime, Date, Time, File uploader, Image uploader, headings, paragraphs, dividers, Panels and more... Conditional logic for form fields Show and hide fields plus form elements based on conditions with effects: Add Conditions to be triggered from the following form fields: Text fields, Textarea, Select, Muli-Select, Radio buttons, Check boxes, Star rating, Sliders, Spinners, Autocomplete, Color palet, Datetime, Date and Time fields Create custom form fields Create custom form fields with over 400 icons and can be validated as url, email, phone number, text only or digits only. Autoresponder Receive form submmision in your inbox and send confirmation mails to end users! Simple drag and drop or single click Building forms is easier then playing solitaire ;) Ajax forms Validate and submit forms without page refreshing. Over 660 icons to use in form fields! Thats right, use over 660 retina ready Font Awesome icons in radios, checks, sliders, spinners, custom form fields and more... Over 1200 fonts to be used Use over 1200 google fonts to make you forms look even more impressive! Grid layout system Use a draggable grid sytem to create just about any form layout you can think of. Includes unlimited nesting! Form entry storage and export All form submissions are stored in your WP (WordPress) database and can be exported. Anti-spam control NEX-Forms contain anti-spam protection. No programming needed to create awesome forms You dont need to know any kind of programming. Build and style forms by simply clicking. Fully Responsive form While creating forms you are able to preview your forms on all the different devices and see exactly how they will behave on small and large screens with the live form previewer A few testimonials


How to install the Ultimate Form Builder Plugin There are 2 ways to install NEX-Forms. Please follow the steps for your NEX-Forms installation below: VIA WordPress
  1. After your download log into your WordPress admin interface
  2. After login click on Plugins from the left hand menu
  3. Click on Add new
  4. Click on Upload
  5. Browse to the directory you downloaded the plugin to and click Install Now
  6. After Wordpress has finished unpacking the file click on Activate Plugin
  7. After the plugin has been activated you will notice a new menu item on the left hand navigation labelled NEX-Form
  8. Done. Start creating froms!
  1. After your download unzip Nex-Forms from your download .zip
  2. Open your FTP client
  3. Browse to /your_wp_instalation/wp-content/plugins/ on your hosting server
  4. Uplaod Nex-Forms into this directory
  5. Go to your wordpress admin panel
  6. Go to plugins and activate NEX-Forms
  7. After the plugin has been activated you will notice a new menu item on the left hand navigation labelled NEX-Forms
  8. Done. Start creating froms!


  • Cost Estimation and Calculation Forms by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • Interactive / Conversational Forms by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • Payment Forms with Paypal Integration by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • Online Questionnaire Forms by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • Booking and Order Forms by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • Application Forms by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • Survey Forms by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • Contact Forms by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • Sticky Forms by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • Popup Forms by NEX-Forms - WordPress Forms Builder
  • NEX-Forms - Most easy to use Form Builder
  • NEX-Forms - Dashboard with form analytics and more!


How do I get FREE add-ons?

Go to to claim 14 free add-ons worth over $270.

Where can I find support?

Go to for any support needs

Is there any documentation for this plugin?

Yes, go to or view the interactive tutorial to help you on your way to create forms


NEX Forms 8.5.10 NEW: Added the ability to output the submission entry ID in the on-screen success messsage using data tag {{nf_entry_id}} inside your success messsage body. FIX: Styling on Form Timer Settings in the form editor FIX: Checkboxes recall issue for SAVE FORM PROGRESS feature FIX: Slider recall issue for SAVE FORM PROGRESS feature Version 8.5.9 NEX Forms 8.5.9 NEW: Display different fields on different devices, for example show a specific field only on mobile devices or do not show a specific field on mobile devices. NEW: Set Landscape or Portrait PDF orientations NEW: Set PDF page size (A1 - A7) FIX: Selection of HTML Element when applying Conditional Logic to Success Messages (after form submission message) FIX: Some minor 3rd party CSS interference. NEX Forms 8.5.7 NEW: The ability to perform conditional logic on Entire Grids FIX: User email file up-load attachments. FIX: Reply address issue when using WP Mail Method FIX: 3rd party select2 interference FIX: PayPal Payments (paid, pending, unpaid) inbox FIX: Form Importing issue when using google fonts NEX Forms 8.5.5 NEW: Digital Signature Setting - Change Signature Background Color NEW: Digital Signature Setting - Change Signature Stroke Color NEW: Digital Signature Setting - Change Stroke Width NEW: Digital Signature Setting - Set to Auto Fit Parent Container NEW: Digital Signature Setting - Change Signature Border Color NEW: Digital Signature Setting - Position Signature canvas left/center/right. NEW: Upload Field Validation Setting - Set minimum file size requirement NEX Forms 8.5.3 IMPROVED: Full form performance optimization (load speed reduced by 90%) FIX: Reporting field selection FIX: Reporting field filters NEX Forms 8.5 FIX: Height issue when used in images and other elements. NEX Forms 8.4.4 FIX: Date picker prev/next month day selection issue FIX: Linked Date Pickers - Date format issue IMPROVED: Added additional CSFR Protection NEX Forms 8.4.3 NEW: Added a new Math Slider Range field FIX: Quiz Timer settings alignment in the editor NEX Forms 8.4.2 NEW: Added Setting to choose whether to save data to the database or not under Form Submission Options FIX: Multiple email issue with PayPal success payments when more then one form is present on a single page. FIX: Character encoding issue in user emails using MS Outlook NEX Forms 8.4.1 FIX: WP 6.2 Add-media button not working for Admin Email, User Email, PDF Creator and Form to Post editors FIX: Hidden fields recall display issues in form editor view FIX: Context menu (right click options popup) in form editor NEX Forms 8.4 NEW: WordPress Category field map to form to post via form field selection. FIX: Form to Post add-on display issues FIX: Lag on logic with specific themes IMPROVED: Additional Security NEX Forms 8.3.3 FIX: Display and read issue of Non ASCII characters in Emails and PDF using field data tags NEX Forms 8.3.2 FIX: Embed options display issue in form builder view FIX: Templates not loading issue NEX Forms 8.3.1 NEW: Conditional Logic now available for onscreen success message. Change the success message based on user selection and/or input. IMPROVED: Additional Security FIX: Date picker language setting issue NEX Forms 8.2 FIX: Onscreen success message issue FIX: Math logic calculation issue when using Europian format with re-used calculations NEX Forms 8.1 NEW: Complete new Dashboard Design NEW: Column sorting on form table NEW: Total records display for forms table NEW: Form analytics summary on dashboard NEW: Latest entries summary on dashboard IMPROVED: Forms table search IMPROVED: Dashboard loading time reduced by more than 70% NEW: Complete new Design for form entries NEW: Entry filters - Show entries from all forms; Show entries from individual forms ,Show unread entries, Show starred entries, filter entries with attachments NEW: Batch delete for form entries NEW: Multiple entries selection - hold CTRL for multiple individual entry selections - hold SHIFT for ascending or descending selection of all entries between two selections - HIT CTRL+A to select all entries. NEW: Total entries display per page NEW: Mark entry(s) as read/unread NEW: Mark entry(s) as starred/unstarred NEW: Sort entries by date NEW: Sort entries by page the form was submitted from NEW: Sort entries by ID NEW: Filter entries PayPal related NEW: Filter entries for PayPal pending payment NEW: Filter entries for PayPal successful payments NEW: Filter entries for PayPal unsuccessful payments NEW: View entry details with adjustable view (vertical display drag) NEW: View the actual email delivered to the user NEW: View the actual email delivered to administrator or specified email recipients NEW: Context menu (right click on selected entries for batch options) IMPROVED: Form entries search IMPROVED: Loading time reduced by more than 80% NEW: Complete new Design for entry reporting NEW: Column sorting on generated report NEW: Total records display per table from generated report IMPROVED: Report search IMPROVED: Loading time reduced by more than 50% NEW: Separate section for form analytics NEW: Complete new Design for file/attachments manager NEW: Column sorting received files NEW: Download file directly from the backend with a single click (no need to open the file and save as) IMPROVED: File search NEW: NEX-Forms LIGHT color scheme for the NEX-Forms admin interfaces NEW: NEX-Forms DARK color scheme for the NEX-Forms admin interfaces IMPROVED: Admin color adaption for the NEX-Forms admin interfaces (if admin color adaption is chosen) IMPROVED: Overall global setting admin page design NEW: Reply-to setting for email setup per form. IMPROVED: Overall security FIX: PHP 8 compatibility issues FIX: WP 6.1.1 compatibility issues FIX: Reported 3rd party styling interference FIX: Reported javascript interference FIX: Conditional logic issue with date pickers FIX: How to use Math logic interactive tutorial FIX: How to create multi-step forms tutorial FIX: Console warning, not found FIX: Console warning, not found NEX Forms 7.9.7 NEW: Added compatibility for Zapier Integration for NEX-Forms add-on NEX Forms 7.9.6 FIX: PHP 8 Compatibility issues FIX: Minor corrections and improvements NEX Forms 7.9.4 FIX: Color setting recall when editing fields FIX: Spacer field resizing NEX Forms 7.9.3 FIX: UTF-8 issues in submission reporting FIX: PHP 8 issues with class function calls using AJAX NEX Forms 7.9.1 FIX: PHP 8 Compatibility issues FIX: WP5.8 - Add-Media button issue in Admin and User Email, PDF Body and Form to Post Editors FIX: Form to Post Data field tags in page content NEX Forms 7.8.8 IMPROVED: Updated all JS libraries IMPROVED: Optimized all JS for even faster performance IMPROVED: Added extra security measures on PDF and CSV exports NEX Forms 7.8.7 FIX: .size() issue in jQuery IMPROVED: Various styling tweaks to backend and front end NEX Forms 7.8.6 FIX: WP 5.7 insert tag button in TinyMCE editor FIX: Timezone set when using data and time picker default data tags FIX: File upload field tags - now upload field paths are available to use uploaded images for example in PDF's and emails IMPROVED: Various styling tweaks to backend and front end NEX Forms 7.8.5 NEW: Conditional Logic Improved - Added new checks: if field "Contains" as well as If field "Does Not Contain"! NEX Forms 7.8.4 IMPROVED: Added measures to prevent 3rd party CSS interference in forms. NEX Forms 7.8.3 NEW: Conditional Logic Improved - Added new checks: if field "Contains" as well as If field "Does Not Contain"! FIX: Undefined variable PHP warning NEX Forms 7.8.2 FIX: Field data tag button in WP 5.6 in TinyMCE editor. NEX Forms 7.8 NEW: Timer - add a timer for multi-steps. You can have a timer for an entire form, or set time limits to individual steps. Tons of settings available! NEW: Transition settings for steps. You can now choose the transition/animation of the steps when you step forward or backward. NEW: All breadcrumbs are redeveloped. See new improved breadcrumbs with all new styling options. NEW: Undo - you can now undo your last action in the form editor. NEW: Redo - you can now redo your last undo in the form editor. NEW: DragBox Selection - You can now drag/draw a box over field(s) to multi-select them to batch - drag and drop, copy, cut, delete, edit and style! Hold CTRL while drawing to add or remove field(s) from the batch selection. In essence you can now do in the form editor what you can do on your Desktop. NEW: Batch Field Editing (drag and drop, copy, cut, delete, edit and style fields at the same) NEW: Batch group Editing (drag and drop, copy, cut, delete, edit and style all of the same type of fields at the same time, for example if you want to style all Radio Buttons at the same time) NEW: Context menus (Right Click mouse button) on fields an containers. Right click on fields, for example, for quick editing options. NEW: Keyboard shortcuts - CTRL+S = Save, CTRL+Z = Undo last action, CTRL+SHIFT+Z, Redo last undo, CTRL+A = Select all fields in the form, CTRL+SHIFT+A = Deselect all fields in the form, Esc = Deselect all fields in the form and close all open editing panels and preview, Enter = Edit Field Selection, CTRL+C = Copy Field Selection, CTRL+X = Cut Field Selection, CTRL+V = Paste copied/cut fields below the current hovered field. Hovering inside a step or grid column will append the field to the grid or step. No hover will append the fields to the outer form container, CTRL+SHIFT+V = Paste Copied/cut fields above the current hovered field. Hovering inside a step or grid column will prepend the field to the grid or step. No hover will prepend the fields to the outer form container, Delete = Delete the field selection, Backspace = Delete the field selection, CTRL + LEFT CLICK = Adds a field to a batch selection. If already selected will remove the field from the selection, CTRL+SHIFT + LEFT CLICK = Selects all fields of the same type. For example use this to select all TEXT fields or all HEADINGS, etc. You can then target-edit the FIELD GROUP, RIGHT CLICK = Right Click on anything in the form container area. The Right click menu includes quick editing options and available actions to take on Single Field, Batch Selections or Field Group selections. NEW: Icon field - Although icons was always available to use with HTML elements, this is now made easier. NEW: Success message - You can now build your success messages like you build your forms -drag and drop etc, etc. complete will all 70+ available animations. You now have complete control over your success messages! NEW: Submission Loaders and respective settings! NEW: Validation options for Multi-selection fields. Set minimum required selection and set maximum available selections. NEW: Field border size setting. You can now make your field and elements borders thicker or thinner. NEW: Add Custom Before Submit JavaScript NEW: Add Custom After Submit JavaScript NEW: JS/CSS editor - Adding Custom CSS and JavaScript is now made easy with JS/CSS Editor. IMPROVED: Overall backend Usability, Design and Performance. IMPROVED: All an all - 70% of the editor have been redeveloped or enhanced. NEX Forms 7.7.1 NEW: Right Click Context Menu to add Field Smart data tags with ease NEW: Edit HTML elements on the fly with a single click. NEW: Added new built-in templates NEW: Admin email setting - Choose to send admin emails or not. NEW: Date-picker setting - keep the picker open on user selection or not (drop down picker view only) IMPROVED: Complete plugin overhaul. All JS an CSS fully optimized to improve performance. Total plugin size reduced by 50% IMPROVED: Optimized all existing form templates NEX Forms 7.6.4 NEW: Added 'Skip to Step' action for Conditional Logic. This makes it much easier then showing and hiding step based on selections. No you can now instead simple Skip to a Step based on user selections and/or input. NEW: Date picker Setting - Set minimum pickable date NEW: Date picker Setting - Set maximum pickable date. NEW: Date picker Setting - Link date pickers using smart data tags inside Min and Max Date settings. NEW: Date picker Setting - Disable dates on the fly based on the selection (values) from other fields NEW: Date picker Setting - Disable today NEW: Validation Setting - Add an Input mask to your field, i.e: (999) 999-9999. The user will type and the mask will automatically add the format. IMPROVED: Overall interface styling and user experience of using Conditional Logic. NEX Forms 7.6.3 NEW: Use conditional logic to changed a field's value based on another field's value. For example change a base price or percentage based on a quantity selection. NEW: Math Logic Setting - Enable/disable math count animation. FIX: Field selection when running submission reports. NEX Forms 7.6.2 NEW: Conditional Logic Redevelopment - All new Conditional logic now gives you a flowchart like graphic presentation of how the logic runs through your form fields. This makes it easy to identify what rules are affecting which fields and is which way. Also now more double clicking to open field selection options. NEW: Grid Setting - Change the grid inline break points based on the device in use. In other words you can now choose to have any grids stay inline even in mobile devices. Option is per grid, so some can be inline on mobile while other grids in the same form are set to break, etc. NEX Forms 7.6.1 NEW: Chat Forms - Use NEX-Forms to create chat like forms! NEW: Date picker Setting - Set picker Inline or field popup NEW: Date picker Setting - Set picker to popup to top or to bottom NEW: Date picker Setting - Set default date to now (use now in the Default Value setting) NEW: Date picker Setting - Disable days of week NEW: Date picker Setting - Disable specific dates NEW: Date picker Setting - Set Picker starting view to Days, Months, Years or decades FIX: Date picker Setting - Set dates to any format and math logic will still work FIX: Date picker Setting - Set different pickers to different languages FIX: Default value when populating the time picker field from the URL FIX: Using No Icon or custom Icons for date picker (popup over display) IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of the entire Date picker. NEW: Time picker Setting - Set picker Inline or field popup NEW: Time picker Setting - Set picker to popup to top or to bottom NEW: Time picker Setting - Disable hours (for example Disabled 00:00 - 08:00 so making it 09:00 - 17:00) NEW: Time picker Setting - Set minute interval stepping. Default 5 minutes. NEW: Use time pickers with math logic to run calculation with times FIX: Using No Icon or custom Icons for Time picker (popup over display) FIX: Default value when populating the time picker field from the URL IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of the entire Time picker. NEW: Complete redevelopment of the Image/Thumb Selection Field NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting - Change the selection to multiple or single NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Set the Padding and background of the image wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Set the Border width and color of the image wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting - Set the Border radius of the image wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting - Change the image size: Use auto or custom fixed sizes NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting - Set the label to top or bottom of the image NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting - Change the label bold, italic, underline settings NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting - Position the label horizontally left, right or center NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting - Change the label colors NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Set the Padding and background of the Label wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Set the Border width and color of the Label wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting - Set the Border radius of the Label wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting - Set margin offsets to position the label wrapper anywhere, even over the image. NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Use from 1500 plus icons for select thumb/image NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Set rounded or square border for selection indicator NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Position the selection indicator vertically: center, top, bottom - Horizontally: center, left, right. NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Set Background color for selection indicator NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Set font color for selection indicator icon NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Use from 70 animations for checked selection indicator NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings - Use from 70 animations for unchecked selection indicator NEW: Covert old thumbs to new thumbs IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of the entire Image/Thumb Selection Field. NEW: Rating Field Setting - Set the size of the rating icon NEW: Rating Field Setting - Set the icon for ON rating selection (default star) NEW: Rating Field Setting - Set the icon for OFF rating selection (default star-o) NEW: Rating Field Setting - Set the icon for HALF rating selection (if enabled) (default star-half) NEW: Rating Field Setting - Set the icon Color for ON rating selection NEW: Rating Field Setting - Set the icon Color OFF rating selection NEW: Rating Field Setting - Set the icon Color HALF rating selection (if enabled) IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of the entire Rating Field. IMPROVED: Overall styling of dropdown multi selects NEW: Tags Field Setting - Use from 1500 plus icons for field Pre-Icon NEW: Tags Field Setting - Use from 1500 plus icons for field Post-Icon NEW: Change text into tags when leaving the field (on-blur) IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of Sliders NEW: Math Logic Setting. Change the Thousand and decimal delimiters. Enabled to to run calculations in any format whatsoever. NEW: Added "Greater then or Equal" check for Conditional logic (check both these in a single condition) NEW: Added "Less then or Equal" check for Conditional logic (check both these in a single condition) NEW: Added V-margin setting for popup forms in shortcode and/or PHP NEW: Added H-margin setting for popup forms in shortcode and/or PHP NEW: Added Enable/Disable Backdrop for popup forms NEW: Added opacity setting for backdrop (if enabled) NEW: Enable/Disable scrolling while popup form is open IMPROVED: Maximum character limit validation for Text and Text-area fields IMPROVED: Minimum character limit validation for Text and Text-area fields FIX: Setting Default Radios and Checks from URL's, field settings and popup shortcodes FIX: Backlash issue when populating a field from the URL with an ' in the value FIX: Various reported styling interference from various themes NEX Forms 7.5.21 IMPROVED: Multistep sorting IMPROVED: Using conditional logic to show hide multisteps NEX Forms 7.5.20 FIXED: Image field issue FIXED: Reported confict with some 3rd party scripts NEX Forms 7.5.19 IMPROVED: Drag and drop Builder system FIXED: Image Element settings FIXED: Classic validation field message settings recall NEX Forms 7.5.18 NEW: Refined Embed Options NEW: Form Shortcode and PHP output generator from embed options NEW: Set your popup position on the page NEW: Full screen popup option NEW: Set your own popup open animation NEW: Set your own popup close animation NEW: Create any type of slide in chat style popup with new options NEW: Added MailPoet Integration NEW: Added Mailster Integration NEW: Background and border settings (including border radius settings) for form field containers ADDED: Single Opt-In for Mailchimp NEX Forms 7.5.17 NEW: GRID Column drag resizing on the fly. No more static grids! NEW: Add/Delete Columns in a Grid System NEW: Spacer object. Use to finetune spacing on your forms. NEW: Image HTML Element. Before you had to use HTML to insert and image now you can simply use this element to manage your images in your forms. NEW: New Form templates and improved all existing templates NEW: Workspace light and dark views. Use a dark workspace when you use light field labels etc. IMPROVED: Backend - All field setting controls. IMPROVED: Optimised backend and decreased load time IMPROVED: Overall backend form building usability. IMPROVED: Backend responsiveness on smaller screens. FIXED: Newline issue in email and PDF content. FIXED: All reported bugs. FIXED: All reported css conflicts. NEX Forms 7.5.16 NEW: Conversational Forms! NEW: Manual form import (for servers that block cURL) NEX Forms 7.5.15 ADDED: Front-end Field Group Replication (enables field group replication from the users perspective) ADDED: Front-end Field Group Replication Limit (limits the number of fields the user can add) ADDED: Day, Month Year only data tags for emails and hidden fields IMPROVED: Date and time are now print to screen as per your WP->Settings-> Date/Time format IMPROVED: Default email layout using {{nf_form_data}} data tag. IMPROVED: Default CSS for default or custom emails. FIXED: Admin Submission Editing FIXED: Styling issues in the reporting section. FIXED: Popup overlay problem with some themes. FIXED: WP Mail Method BCC Emailing NEX Forms 7.5.14 ADDED: Form Submission limit with an optional "limit reached" message. IMPROVED: JS and CSS optimisation for overall performance and speed. NEX Forms 7.5.13 FIXED: Mobile issue with dragging jQuery slider fields FIXED: Registration issue ADDED: User ID hidden field data tag {{WP_USER_ID}}. ADDED: Quick Forms. Submit forms on a single field selection. See Quick Forms Examples IMPROVED: Success message on form submission styling NEX Forms 7.5.12 ENHANCED: Drag and drop grid system. Now even more responsive and easier to use! ENHANCED: Backend styling an usability. Basically refined the styling on some sections. ADDED: Multi-step breadcrumb styling section. FIXED: Multi-step alignment issue when re-calling in the backend FIXED: Multi-step color issue when re-calling in the backend for dotted counter top text. FIXED: Multi-step re-call issue for percentage bar. FIXED: Print option for submissions in the NEX-Forms Dashboard FIXED: Image Uploader Validation Issues NEX Forms NEW: Multi-step step duplication. NEW: Pre-populate fields from a popup. This allows you to have the same form with different buttons and use the buttons to select and set fields differently in the popup form for each button. UPDATED: Scripts and style enqueues UPDATED: Multi-steps usability in the back end. FIXED: Fixed admin side percentage bar for multi-step recall FIXED: Gutenberg editor saving issue FIXED: Visual Composer / WP Bakery Page Builder form styling compatibility issue NEX Forms 7.5.11 NEW: New Percentage Progress Bar for Multi-Steps NEW: Auto Advance to next step on single selection fields like radio buttons enabling quick forms for Multi-Steps FIXED: Styling issues from various theme interference NEX Forms 7.5.10 NEW: Use field data tags in your submission redirects as URL parameters. UPDATED: Disabled double click on next and previous buttons. FIX: Various 3rd party styling interference as reported. FIX: Various 3rd party javascript interference as reported. NEX Forms 7.5.9 UPDATED: NEX-Forms DB table - ENGINE MYISAM (resolves large forms saving issues) UPDATED: NEX-Forms DB table - CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 (resolves large forms saving issues) UPDATED: NEX-Forms DB table - COLLATION utf8mb4_unicode_ci (resolves large forms saving issues) FIXED: File uploader validation error messages FIXED: Form Import 403 issue FIXED: Various styling interference as reported NEW: 18 NEW Built-in Templates NEX Forms 7.5.8 FIXED: Fontawesome 5 missing icons FIXED: Save Form Progress default field value conflict ADDED: Using URL parameters to populate hidden fields and use in conditional logic ADDED: Using hidden fields in conditional logic NEX Forms 7.5.7 FIXED: File import Issue on some server configurations. FIXED: Some Reported CSS Issues NEX Forms 7.5.6 FIXED: Grid option hidden in backend. FIXED: Some Reported bugs FIXED: Font Awesome 5 icons not showing. NEW: Extra Save Form Progress Settings NEW: Use conditional logic to Skip to step, show/hide Entire Steps NEX Forms FIXED: Field Data Tags button on TinyMCE Editor NEX Forms 7.5.5 ENHANCED: Overall Back-end Usability ENHANCED: Code Optimization on entire Back-end to increase speed and performance ENHANCED: Front End output usability and styling ADDED: Auto save form progress ADDED: Super Selection Form Field Add-on Compatibility ADDED: WPML Compatibility FIXED: TinyMCE -> WP5.x -> Forms not saving issue FIXED: Thumb Selection Styling Issue NEX Forms 7.5.4 ADDED: 800+ New Font Awesome Icons. There are now 1500+ Icons to use in Fields and forms. ADDED: New Icon Select Field compatibility ENHANCED: Overall performance optimization ENHANCED: Redesigned dashboard for better usability and control ENHANCED: Reporting Section REFINED: Overall front-end look and feel of forms REFINED: Field Validation FIXED: Multi-step height issue ENHANCED: Various field settings NEX Forms 7.5.3 NEW: Interactive Tutorials! Building a Contact form, Using Conditional Logic, Using Math Logic, Creating Multi-step forms NEW: Admin Tours: Every aspect of the admin side is now covered with tours to help you know exactly where and how to make use of the entire package. NEW: Google analytics tracking for form submissions. ENHANCED: Back-end builder overall usability, look and feel to a much more solid experience. FIXED: Various reported styling compatibility with 3rd party plugins. NEX Forms 7.5.2 FIXED: Some styling issues. FIXED: Column layout for multiple checkboxes and radio buttons. ADDED: File upload Settings for the server. ADDED: File attachment Settings for emails. ADDED: New Multi-step Settings. ADDED: Extra security on form field validation. NEX Forms 7.5.1 FIXED: More WP 5.x issues like plugin registration. FIXED: Double image tags when using thumbnail fields FIXED: Field Data tags in On-screen success messages FIXED: Multi file uploader issues FIXED: Plugin WP user rights NEX Forms 7.5 FIXED: WP 5.0 tinyMCE Compatibility issue NEX Forms 7.4.1 NEW: Re-register license option. You can now re-register a license on any site without having to ask support to free up your license! FIXED: Conditional Logic checkboxes issue ENHANCED: Overall Multi-steps look and feel. FIXED: Some styling issues NEX Forms 7.4 ADDED: Automatic updates via WordPress Plugins Page. After this update, you can simply update from your WordPress plugins in the future. No need to go to Codecanyon Downloads making updating the plugin a breeze! NEX Forms 7.3 FIXED: Digital Signature issue ENHANCED: Live field validation styling and overall usability ENHANCED: Onscreen Success message styling ENHANCED: Sticky Forms styling ENHANCED: Popup Forms styling ENHANCED: Thumb/Image Selection Styling and usability ENHANCED: Overall Form design to a more modern look and feel ENHANCED: Optimized Conditional Logic ADDED: Compatibility for the NEW Short-code Processor Add-on NEX Forms 7.2.3 FIXED: Chrome auto-fill for chrome 65+ FIXED: Digital signatures in chrome FIXED: Popup overlays ADDED: Popups from any custom trigger. Just provide an element class name to make it a popup trigger. NEX Forms 7.2.2 ADDED: Show logged in WP User datial in fieds. Add the following to field values: {{nf_user_first_name}} , {{nf_user_last_name}} , {{nf_user_name}} , {{nf_user_email}} , {{nf_user_url}} NEX Forms 7.2.1 FIXED: A few reported styling issues. FIXED: Some JS issues. UPDATED: Changed from the old legacy API to the new Envato API FIXED: Digital Signatures drag and drop issue FIXED: Digital Signatures PDF Export issue FIXED: Digital Signatures PDF Email Attachment issue ADDED: Width and Height settings for Digital Signatures ADDED: Compatibility for new PayPal Pro Add-on ADDED: Compatibility for new features in Form To POST. The feature enables form field values in POSTS or PAGES content body. NEX Forms 7.1.5 FIXED: A few reported styling issues. FIXED: Checkbox labels show instead of values in Interactive Forms FIXED: Checkbox labels show instead of values in Emails FIXED: Reported Divi theme compatibility issue returning 0 on submit. NEX Forms 7.1.4 ADDED: Compatibility for new ADD-ON called Conditional Content Blocks ADDED: Disabled field settings ADDED: Thumb and multi-thumb selection size settings. FIXED: Some Styling issues FIXED: Submission Reporting Issues NEX Forms 7.1.3 FIXED: 3rd party script interference. NEX Forms 7.1.2 FIXED: Saving Preferences issue FIXED: Add media button on TinyMCE editors on Emails and PDF Creator FIXED: Some Styling issue FIXED: Input name change on check boxes NEX Forms 7.1.1 FIXED: Registration issue NEX Forms 7.1 OVERALL: Basically a full redevelopment of the builder and still have backward compatibility on forms built with earlier versions. NEW: Switch forms to Material Design NEW: Switch forms to Bootstrap NEW: Switch forms to jQuery UI NEW: Switch forms to Browser Default (theme styling) NEW: Multi-step Breadcrumb with 5 variations (Basic, Triangular, Rectangular, Dotted, Dot Counter) NEW: Overall Form Styling NEW: Overall back-end look and feel NEX Forms 6.7.3 FIXED: Multiple forms on single page conditional logic FIXED: Multiple forms on single page multi-step back button ENHANCED: Overall performance ENHANCED: Validation error messages styling NEX Forms 6.7.2 FIXED: Math logic JS error FIXED: Headers already sent errors NEX Forms 6.1.6 FIXED: PHP 7.1+ compatibility issues NEX Forms 6.1.5 FIXED: PHP 7.x compatibility issues FIXED: PHP warnings when config.php wp_debug was set to true ENHANCED: Optimised the plugin to half of the original size. Was 3.4mb and now only 1.7mb NEX Forms 6.1.4 ADDED: Interactive Forms NEX Forms 6.1.3 ADDED: Compatibility for Form to Post add-on. NEX Forms 6.1.2 FIXED: Template forms saving and recall ADDED: Popup form on Exit intent ADDED: Time based popup - Have a form popup after a specified time ADDED: Page scroll popup - Have a form popup when a users scrolls to a specified depth on your page ADDED: Decimal math setting - Specify total decimal places for math logic ADDED: {{nf_form_data}} to PDF Creator - Show data table as per in emails ADDED: WP User levels - Specify what level of user can access NEX-Forms admin area ADDED: Hidden fields were missing in dropdowns like mailchimp field mapping CHANGED: License Deactivation - No longer will a license be freed up when deactivating the plugin on an unused site but from the push of a button found in the admin panel (Edit->License->Press button) NEX Forms 6.1.1 ADDED: Multi-File Uploader. ADDED: Max file size restriction per file and custom error message ADDED: Max file size restriction for all files as a whole and custom error message ADDED: Upload limit of total files allowed and custom error message ADDED: New preferences for new validation messages FIXED: Styling issues on a few installs. NEX Forms 6.1 FIXED: Icons in fields FIXED: Import/ Export forms FIXED: Image upload settings FIXED: Stylesheet troubleshooting option saving ADDED: New dynamic hidden field selection NEX Forms 6.0.9 ADDED: Integration for the new PDF Creator add-on (previously know as Export to PDF) FIXED: Email port when using SSL + SMTP settings with PHPMailer NEX Forms 6.0.8 ADDED: New field settings ADDED: ADmin Color adaption ADDED: New troubleshooting options for javascript ADDED: New troubleshooting options for stylesheets ADDED: GetResponse integration ADDED: Ability to reset your license to re-use FIXED: WP Mail method FIXED: Mail format FIXED: Import/Export for forms NEX Forms 6.0.6 FIX: Activation problem NEX Forms 6.0.5 FIX: TinyMCE button in the WP editor NEX Forms 6.0.2 FIX: Various minor fixes Change log NEX Forms 6.0.1 FIX: Plugin Activation FIX: PHPMailer problem NEX Forms 6.0 NEW: Back end design NEW: Conditional settings (includes advanced and simple logic switching for each rule) NEW: Menu accessibility to easily navigate to anything for forms and global settings NEW: Keyboard Shortcuts. For example, you can now save a form with CTRL+ALT+S and many more useful shortcuts. NEW: Interactive backend tour NEW: Built-in documentation NEW: Built-in tutorial videos NEW: Styling tool bar. Tool select to point to click to style form elements with the new styling tools. NEW: Taskbar. Work on multiple forms at the same time! NEW: Thumb rating Field NEW: Smiley rating Field NEW: Star rating field with icons and not images. NEW: Tags input Field. Good for replacing comma separated fields NEW: Color picker Field. NEW: Preset fields NEW: Paragraph form element (HTML enabled) NEW: Divider form element NEW: Field replication by user. Allows users to replicate a field to enter more of the same thing like, names of attendants etc NEW: Signature field (requires Digital signature for NEX-Forms) Signatures are sent in your emails and saved in your received form data. NEW: Multi-Step settings. Switch between steps to focus your step design. NEW: Full screen mode. NEW: Preferences. Setup your default field layouts, email setup, validation messages and other overall settings. NEW: Notification history. NEW: Custom admin Layout. Create your own admin layouts that works best for you to create your forms. NEW: Preset admin layouts. NEW: Export forms. Forms are exported entirely with everything from conditional logic to email setup and not just the form HTML. This can also now be done from a Form menu. NEW: Import Forms. Import the form entirely as per export. Not just the form HTML NEW: Dynamic hidden fields.Now you can add server variables to hidden fields. NEW: Overall field settings. NEW: Maximum and minimum values for text fields and textareas NEW: Form Validation redesign. NEW: Grid settings Hope that is all of it :) NEX Forms 5.3 FIX: WordPress 4.5 compatibility NEX Forms 5.2 FIX: NaN in email headings FIX: Decimals with math logic problem FIX: Emailer problems FIX: #### Displaying after form submissions FIX: Popup bottom position problem FIX: Conditional logic save and recall FIX: PayPal items save and recall FIX: All Global settings FIX: Various styling conflicts with some specific themes NEW: Language settings for Image uploader NEW: Math logic field (pre-populated math result tag) ENHANCEMENT: Auto close sticky form when another sticky form opens NEX Forms 5.1 FIX: The word "Array" displaying in emails FIX: Export to CSV headings (comma problem) FIX: Multi-step next and prev buttons ADDED: Show/hide panels, html, paragraphs and headings with conditional logic ADDED: Tags/value placeholders for emails ADDED: New rich text editor for emails ENHANCED: Namespaced AJAX calls to avoid 3rd party conflict. NEX Forms 5 NEW: Total redesign of the backend NEW: Total Code re-write. This optimisation of code increased load speed to under 1.5 sec! NEW: Conditional logic. All new conditional logic enables you to have unlimited rules and each rule to have multiple conditions and actions. Logic is not set per field as in old versions but per form! NEW: Color pickers. Easily set colors with the new color picker with new features like opacity! NEX Forms 4.6.1 FIX: Scrolling problem FIX: Height Problem with Multi-Steps FIX: Array problem with CSV exports FIX: wp_scripts error FIX: z-index issue with color setting for spinner fields ADDED: Ability to use placeholders in from address (reply-to address) NEX Forms 4.6 NEW: 75 Animations for form elements! NEW: Auto fill fields from POST and GET NEW: Set field Id's NEW: Date file placeholder setting FIX: Multi-step issues FIX: Problems with autoresponder on some specific servers FIX: Various small issues NEX Forms 4.5 ADDED: New API mail method. This is a guarantied method to ensure mailing.\ ADDED: New security measures throughout NEX-Forms for your ongoing full protection. NEX Forms 4.4 READDED: WP Mail method for outgoing admin and confirmation mail READDED: Normal PHP Mail method for outgoing admin and confirmation mail NEW: Zero conflict admin panel. Script and styles from 3rd party plugin and themes will never again affect NEX-Forms admin panel!!! NEW: WordPress Admin colors are adapted by NEX-Forms admin panel to fit your chosen color scheme for that personal touch. FIXED: Emailing problems with some selective servers NEX Forms 4.3 NEW: Import and Export Forms NEW: PayPal Add-on compatibility NEX Forms 4.2 FIXED: Various JavaScript issues FIXED: Overall Styling Issues FIXED: Recall settings for form fields FIXED: Export to CSV FIXED: Form saving issues FIXED: Not able to edit field FIXED: Not able to delete field FIXED: Not able to change default select option FIXED: Admin menu display problems FIXED: JavaScript bug with modernizer.js ENHANCEMENT: Form field validation has been redone. ENHANCED: Made admin interface responsive (scalable) to even use with a Tablet ENHANCED: Overall speed and performance ADDED: Preset fields with preset validation. Build a contact form literately under 10 seconds! ADDED: New overall styling settings for field inputs NEX Forms 4 ENHANCED: Overall redesign and reprogramming NEW: Math Logic NEW: Material Design Fields with different effects NEW: Classic Fields NEW: Overall Styling NEW: Add custom CSS NEW: Rich text editor for admin and user emails (TinyMCE) NEW: Customize admin email NEW: Placeholders for server data in user and admin emails NEW: Save Forms as templates for re-use NEW: Show/hide panel headings NEW: Resize grid system (using bootstrap grid) NEW: Resize field label and input containers (using bootstrap grid) NEW: Start a new form instantly, no need to create it before you can add fields. NEW: Live documentation from the nex-forms admin page NEX Forms 3.4 FIXED: HTTPS problem with loading styles and scripts FIXED: UTF-8 issue with mail methods that sent garbage characters in autoreponder emails and admin emails FIXED: Autoresponder not retrieving saved data ADDED: Password Field ADDED: Date format settings for date-picker (save form or preview to see effect on field) ADDED: Language selection for date-picker (save form or preview to see effect on field) ADDED: Ability to have same name labels but different field names vie new field name setting ENHANCED: Conditional logic. Panel/grid selection is now possible as well as single field selection for targeting NEX Forms 3.3 NEW FEATURE: Export to PDF via new add-on FIXED: Saving new form issue FIXED: Saving Auto responder issue NEX Forms 3.2 NEW MAIN FEATURE: Sticky Forms - Add sticky paddels to hide and show forms (top, left, right and bottom) Found in widgets section. NEW MAIN FEATURE: Thumbs Single Selection Field - Add images (ie: product) to be used to select in a form. NEW MAIN FEATURE: Thumbs Multi Selection Field - Choose more then one thumbnail selection. NEW MAIN FEAUTRE: Email Setup - Configure emailing with SMTP, PHP Mailer, WordPress Mailer or striaght PHP mailing function. SMTP includes optional authentication settings NEW MAIN FEAUTRE: Form entries page - View and export all form entries from all forms NEW MAIN FEAUTRE: Global settings page - Configure various settings NEW FEATURE: Add unlimited hidden fields NEW FEATURE: Custom form action or ajax NEW FEATURE: Custom form method NEW FEATURE: Javascript Trouble Shooter - enqueue/dequeue scipts in case of javascript confict with 3rd party plugins or themes. NEW FEATURE: Styling Trouble Shooter - enqueue/dequeue styles in case of display interference from 3rd party plugins or themes. NEW FEATURE: Admin Config - Includes settings involving nex-forms admin inclusions like widgets NEW FEATURE: Form duplication with a single click NEW FEATURE: Popup forms for widgets NEW FEATURE: Popup forms button color selection (bootstrap style) NEW FEATURE: Forms selection for view and export NEW FEATURE: Ajax pagination for Form entries NEW FEATURE: Ajax Column sorting for form entries ADDED: Date Time display for forms entries - Shows date and time the form was submmited ADDED: User field for form entries - show the usernamke if logged in when completing a form ADDED: User IP field for form entries - Shows IP address ADDED: Page field for form entries - Shows where the form was submmited from ADDED: Form name field for form entries - Shows the form name that was submmited ADDED: Bath delete form entries ADDED: Modal popup display for form entry data ADDED: Tabbed selection for settings ADDED: Ajax saving for global settings ADDED: Thumb Size selection ADDED: Icon selection for thumb selection ADDED: Column selection for thumbs display ADDED: Drag handel to field on form canvas FIXED: Popup displaying when tabing on none required fields FIXED: Overl grid style display ENHANCED: Optimised DOM to make use of minimum output ENHANCED: Optimised scripts and styles for page load performance ENHANCED: Page load - YSlow raking = NEX Forms 89/100 with 10+ forms on a single page!, YSlow raking = 94/100 with 1 form on a page!! ENHANCED: Admin load speed - no external calls are made NEX Forms 3.1 ADDED: Custom Background image up-loader for form fields and bootstrap panels ADDED: Background settings: background-position, background-size, background-repeat ADDED: Instant preview for form themes add-on to try before buy ADDED: NEW HTML Field - Embed HTML into forms ENHANCED: Back-end usability with a few styling changes ENHANCED: Overall speed and performance and CSS. FIXED: Multi-step forms functionality - next and previous buttons that sometimes skipped steps FIXED: Multi-step forms styling - next and previous buttons that were vertically off line FIXED: Auto populate countries, us states and languages FIXED: Auto populate allowed file type extensions for file up-loaders FIXED: Grid styling when it comes to panels, steps and extreme nesting FIXED: Label to top (bootstrap class col-sm-12 not col-sm-10) FIXED: Check box issue only submitting one value instead of an array FIXED: Some styling interference from themes NEX Forms 3.0.1 FIXED: Default bootstrap styling issue regarding grids NEX Forms 3.0 FIXED: "Form title can not be empty" bug FIXED: Overcome styling interference from themes FIXED: Styling issues relating to overall theme compatibility ENHANCEMENT: Overall performance ENHANCEMENT: Added compatibility backbone for "Form Themes for NEX-Forms" add-on REMOVED: Splash screen...load time is fast enough now so no need for this NOTE: Skipped to version 3 from 2.4 as NEX-Forms is in a new era now with add-on capability NEX Forms 2.4 FIXED: Form entries CSV export path NEX Forms 2.3 FIXED: Styling compatibility issues relating to a few reported themes FIXED: a few JavaScript compatibility issues regarding a few themes NEX Forms 2.2 FIXED: AJAX URL for form submissions FIXED: a few JavaScript compatibility issues relating to a few reported themes NEX Forms 2.1 ENHANCEMENT: Complete re-write of AJAX form submissions. ENHANCEMENT: Form preview. ENHANCEMENT: More code optimization to increase performance ADDED: Multiple forms on a single page/post NEX Forms 2.0 ENHANCEMENT: Includes a complete redesign of the back-end to increase usability ENHANCEMENT: Overall code optimization to increase performance ENHANCEMENT: Reduced plugin with more then a 3rd of version 1.2 making it feature packed and yet light ENHANCEMENT: Increased form load speed to be exponentially faster by rewriting user interface output ADDED: Module popups for forms ADDED: Multistep Forms and extra button control ADDED: All new form manager to enhance user control over existing and new forms ADDED: Field filters to ensure quick access to all fields FIXED: Some JavaScript validation issues FIXED: Reported back-end bugs FIXED: Styling issues relating to overall theme compatibility FIXED: Numerous small JS issues FIXED: Numerous small styling issues NEX Forms 1.2 FIXED: UTF8 Character encoding in emails FIXED: Java-script validation issues FIXED: Styling issues relating to ensure overall theme compatibility ADDED: Extra control over field editing and deletion NEX Forms 1.1 ADDED: New Feature - Conditional Logic FIXED: Back-end styling issues NEX Forms 1.0.6 Fixed: WordPress version 3.9 "insert into post" problem NEX Forms 1.0.5 Fixed: Auto-responder single line placeholders NEX Forms 1.0.4 Fixed: Styling issues in chrome/web-kit. All Cross browser styling now resolved! NEX Forms 1.0.3 Fixed: Front end compatibility issues. forms are now not affected and do not effect any other styling on themes) Fixed: Email auto responder problems Fixed: Back-end icons not showing Added: Email Attachments: File uploads are now sent as attachments Added: Default admin email: Specified email addresses receive a default email containing all form values as well as the attachments. Added: Redirect to URL after form submission. Display message or redirect to a thank you page (submission are saved and emails are sent either way) Enhanced: User Confirmation mails to be sent to users after completing the form Enhanced: Overall back-end details. NEX Forms 1.0.2 Fixed: Safari compatibility issues Fixed: Form visibility (in some cases did not display in relation to form animations) NEX Forms 1.0.1 Fixed: Styling issues Fixed: Check boxes (back-end) Fixed: Multi-select (back-end) Enhanced: Admin panel responsiveness NEX Forms 1.0 First release Default Form CSS Note: Forms uses Bootstrap, Font Awsome (fontawesome) and jQuery UI styling frameworks Javascript This form plugin uses the following javascript libraries: Locations of all Javascript files included: /wp-content/plugins/Nex-Forms/js/