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NextGEN 3D and 2D Animated Flux Slider Template

开发者 mohsinrasool
更新时间 2016年6月30日 21:01
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


nextgen image slider gallery slider 3d slider home page slider featured slider css slider slider animation css3 slider nextgen slider nextgen featured slider flux slider 2d slider animated slider nextgen image slider nextgen template nextgen 3d slider animated 2d slider nextgen slider template cool slider


1.0 1.0.1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2


This plugin add a "3dfluxsliderview" template for the NextGen gallery. Use the shortcode [nggallery id=x template="3dfluxsliderview"] to display images as the slider. This plugin uses CSS3 transitions for animation. That are now supported by latest browsers that includes Chrome 4.0+, Safari 3.1+, Firefox 4+, Opera 10.5+, iOS and Andriod Browsers. Full chart of compatibility can be viewed at This plugin supports following 2D and 3D animations that can be toggled from setting�s page, You can use any one of it or all of it: You can also toggle bullet pagination, next/prev arrows and image captions. If you are not sure how to set up this slider please check our tutorial on creating and using gallery templates Please note few things about this plugin:


Installation is as usual.
  1. Upload nextgen-3d-flux-slider-template folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. You can now use "3dfluxsliderview" template in nggallery shortcode.


  • 3D Tiles Animation
  • Settings page in Administration Panel
  • 2D Block Animation
  • 2D Block2 Animation
  • 3D Bars Animation
  • 3D Tiles Animation
  • Settings page in Administration Panel
  • 2D Block Animation
  • 2D Block2 Animation


  • Fixed delay problem
  • Fixed issue with 2D bars animation
  • If it did not work for you earlier and it display list of images, no sliding, no animation. It has been fixed now.


What is NextGen gallery?

NextGEN Gallery is the most popular photo gallery plugin for WordPress. It provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images, with the ability to batch upload, import meta data, add/delete/rearrange/sort images, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums, and more.

Does it work without NextGen gallery?

No, It is solely developed for the NextGen gallery and does not work without it.

Where I can download NextGen gallery?

You can download NextGen gallery either from their official website or from WordPress plugin repositry.

Why it is not working for me?

That is strange. Please spend a minute to report us what you get. Please do not forget to included WordPress version you are using plus any detail that can be helpful.

How to add the images in slider?

Please check out our tutorial on how to use NextGen Gallery Templates and set up slider for it.


1.1.1 1.1 1.0.1 1.0