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Nice Google Checkout Lite

开发者 mjetpax
更新时间 2013年2月24日 12:53
捐献地址: 去捐款


google shortcode button ecommerce buy now buy now button google button google buy now button google checkout button google checkout plugin google checkout plugin for wordpress google wallet



Get more when you upgrade to the full version of the Nice Google Checkout plugin. The Nice Google Checkout Lite plugin provides you with an easy to use & flexible e-commerce solution. This plugin empowers you with a hassle free way to add Google Checkout buy now buttons to any WordPress post or page, by simply adding shortcodes to your content. Stop dealing with the headache involved with larger, over-bloated e-commerce extensions and start selling. Nice Google Checkout Lite is lightweight, flexible and easy to use. It does not include a shopping cart like its big brother, the Nice Google Checkout plugin. However, it still packs a big punch in respect to application of use and reliability. Usage is simple, just add a shortcode in any article content, e.g [nicecheckoutlite price="12.50" name="Wordpress Coffee Mug"], and the Nice Google Checkout Lite plugin will replace your shortcode with a Google Checkout buy now button. It couldn't be simpler. *Please note that Google currently only offers Google Checkout service to U.S. and U.K. merchants. Example shortcode [nicecheckoutlite price="12.50" name="Wordpress Coffee Mug"] Some cool features that you get:


  1. Unzip the Nice Google Checkout Lite plugin.
  2. Upload the entire niceGoogleCheckoutLite folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  4. Go to Settings>>Nice Google Checkout lite.
  5. Configure the Nice Google Checkout Lite options, i.e. Google Merchant id, currency, locaiton, etc.
  6. Click the "Updates Settings" button.
  7. The nice Google Checkout Lite shortcodes in any post or page.
  8. That's it! You are all ready to start making money!!


  • Compatible with WordPress 3.5.1
  • First release of the plugin


1.01 1.0