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Nice PayPal Button Lite

开发者 mjetpax
更新时间 2016年8月23日 08:51
捐献地址: 去捐款


shortcode button ecommerce paypal buy now paypal button buy now button paypal buy now button paypal plugin paypal plugin for wordpress




Upgrade to the full version of the Nice PayPal Button plugin. With the Nice PayPal Button Lite plugin you get the most convenient & flexible way to add PayPal Buy Now buttons to posts and pages! Whether you want to sell a few items or a lot of items, using the traditional PayPal “Buy Now” button, the Nice PayPal Button Lite plugin makes it easy to turn any WordPress page into a point of sale. No need to monkey around with complicated ecommerce solutions, the Nice PayPal Button Lite's implementation is quick, flexible and easy to use. Simply enter the Nice PayPal Button Lite shortcode where you want your PayPal button to appear and start selling. Example [nicepaypallite name="WordPress Coffee Mug" amount="12.50"] Some cool features that you get:


  1. Unzip the Nice PayPal Lite plugin download
  2. Upload the entire nicePayPalButtonLite folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  4. Go to Settings>>Nice PayPal Button Lite
  5. Configure the Nice PayPal Button Lite options, i.e. PayPal seller's email address, currency, country code, etc.
  6. Click the "Update Settings" button
  7. Insert Nice PayPal Button Lite shortcodes in any post or page.
  8. That's it! You're all ready to start making money!!


  • Security update: closed various security holes. Update recommended.
  • First release of the plugin == Upgrade Notice ==
  • Added support for shortcode replacement in text widgets.
  • Updated for WordPress 3.5.1


1.05.1 1.05 1.02 1.01 1.0