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Nightingale Companion

开发者 Nick-Summerfield
更新时间 2023年5月12日 17:38
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


theme nhs nightingale


1.3.5 1.1.1 1.0.4 1.2 1.3.0 1.3.1 1.0.5 1.3.3 1.3.2 1.3.4 1.1.0 1.3.6


NIGHTINGALE THEME MUST BE INSTALLED AND ACTIVE FOR THIS PLUGIN TO WORK This plugin is a companion to the Nightingale theme. It is aimed at improving performance and user experience on a site that uses the Nightingale theme. The plugin adds additional functionality to the theme, each component of which is enabled by default on installation but can be switched off easily via the admin panel > Settings > Nightingale Companion


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
  1. Install and activate the Nightingale theme from the appearance section of your WordPress site.
  2. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  4. Functions that the plugin adds can be activated and deactivated through the nightingale companion tab under 'Settings'.


Why isn't this plugin working?

Please ensure that you have installed and activated the Nightingale theme on your site. If the issue persists, please log an issue.

Is this plugin restricted to only NHS Organisations

This plugin has been built specifically for use in the NHS, but it is open source code and you are free to use it on any site.

My site is doing weird stuff with loading or appearance. Why?

If you have other plugins running on your site, it is possible they do things that this plugin also does and either conflicts or duplication is happening. Try disabling options in the plugin to see what is causing the issue.

Will this give me a perfect LightHouse score?

No. This improves the performance and accessibility of your site. But your site scores in LightHouse will also be influenced by your content, your server environment and your other plugins running on your website. We have tested this with sample content on a site running the Nightingale theme, this plgin and the NHSBlocks plugin. With these parameters, we generated a 100 score in LightHouse for the metrics of Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices and SEO.


1.3.6 -Removed InstantPage 1.3.5 -Fix php warning when there is no social sharing configured. 1.3.4 -Fix issue with previous release process 1.3.3 -Fix for plugin errors on activation 1.3.2 -Fix for E_ERROR when upgrading from PHP 7 to PHP 8 -Previous release issue fix 1.3.1 -Fix for E_ERROR when upgrading from PHP 7 to PHP 8 1.3.0 -Updated Dependancies and tested on new WP version 1.2 Maintenance release: 1.1.1 Added audio playback speed controls (under display section of settings) 1.1.0 Security and stability update: Thank you to all users submitting feedback. Maintenance release 1.0.5 Bugfixes: 1.0.2 Initial release.