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NoMorePass Login

开发者 biblioeteca
更新时间 2022年8月27日 18:35
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


login mobile password wp-login wordpress login wp login form two-factor nomorepass password manager safe login qr login



NoMorePass is a secure and easy to use technology to provide you two factor autentication on every situation. This plugin allows you to login to wordpress using just your mobile phone, with no other requirement. No registering, no API keys, install, activate and that's all. Your passwords will be only on your mobile phone, no copies over your computers, not even on nomorepass servers, fully anonymous. Login just scanning a one-time qr-code. IMPORTANT: Install the app in your phone: Instant user registration You have a new configuration option named "Auto-login after registration" that allows your users scan the provided qr-code only providing username and email, then the password is sent to the mobile phone and the user is registered immediately. Register your users in just one step, safely. Avoid force brute attacks You can force users to use NoMorePass app to login to your site, making impossible force-brute attacs. Even if the attackers guess the correct user an password they will be unable to enter if not using the mobile app. Allow access from every page/post/widget You can use a shortcode to include a login form in any page or post or include in your sidebar. NoMorePass support, if you find a bug please open a ticket in the support request or go to Every issue will be fixed asap! NoMorePass plugin is also compatible with any plugin that hooks in the login form, including
  1. BuddyPress,
  2. bbPress,
  3. Limit Login Attempts,
  4. Captcha plugins.
  5. etc.


[youtube ] Install NoMorePass plugin via wordpress dashboard :
  1. Go to the Plugins Menu in WordPress.
  2. Search for plugin "NoMorePass".
  3. Click "Install".
  4. After Installation click activate to start using the NoMorePass plugin on your website.
  5. Go to NoMorePass plugin from Dashboard menu.
  6. Enable NoMorePass plugin feature... And that's all
Install NoMorePass plugin via FTP
  1. Download the NoMorePass plugin
  2. Unzip NoMorePass plugin
  3. Copy the NoMorePass plugin folder
  4. Open the ftp \wp-content\plugins\
  5. Paste the folder inside plug-ins folder
  6. Go to admin panel => open item "Plugins" => activate NoMorePass plugin
To use the plugin you need to install the mobile app NoMorePass More info on


  • Regular login with No More Pass button
  • Decorated Login
  • No More Pass working
  • Configuration page
  • Login without username / password
  • Auto-registration enabled


Do I need the mobile app?

Yes. But you can login using username and password too depending on the configuration you choose.

May I remove the plugin?

Yes, you can and your user credentials remain untouched.

What if I loose my phone?

You can make a backup for your mobile phone credentials and restore in a new install, see app instructions.


1.10.3 1.10.2 1.10.1 1.9.3 1.9.1 1.9.0 1.8.0 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.0.1 1.0