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Notification for Telegram

开发者 rainafarai
更新时间 2025年1月29日 04:39
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


mailchimp Woocommerce Contact form Telegram


2.2 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 2.8 3.3 3.3.6 3.4 2.4 2.5 3.3.2 2.7 2.9 3.3.3 3.3.7


The "Notification for Telegram" plugin for WordPress is a tool that allows you to send notifications and messages to a Telegram channel, group or user/s when specific events occur on your WordPress site. This plugin is useful for monitoring critical events on your site, such as new comments, new user registrations, publishing activities, New forms sent, Woocommerce orders, cart and lowstock, Mailchimp and more, by sending notifications directly to a Telegram channel or group or user/s of your choice. It also offers a shortcode to send Telegram notifications on every page of your website or in your code. Receive Telegram messages notification when: You can enable/disable every notification in the Plugin settings page. To configure the plugin, you need a valid Telegram API token. Its easy to get starting a Telegram Bot. You can learn about obtaining tokens and generating new ones in this document\ or follow the info in this post You also need at least one "chatid" number, that is the recipient to the message will be send. To know you personal chatid number, search on telegram app for "@get_id_bot" or\ click here OR another bot @RawDataBot click here Once You got the 2 fields save the configuration and try the "TEST" button .. you should receive a message in you telegram : "WOW IT WORKS" !! If not, check token and chatid fields again for the correct values. this plugin is relying on a 3rd party service to geolocate the Ip address to see the services’ a terms of use and/or privacy policies SHORTCODE EXAMPLE [telegram_mess message="Im so happy" chatids="0000000," token="000000000:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" showsitename="1" showip="1" showcity="1" ] SHORTCODE OPTIONS: USE SHORTCODE IN YOU PHP CODE `<?php $date = date("d-m-Y"); do_shortcode('[telegram_mess message="'.$date .'" chatids="0000000," token="000000000:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" showsitename="1" showip="1" showcity="1" ]'); ?>` ** WOOCOMERCE FILTER HOOKS ** We have created 4 filter hooks for WooCommerce order notification message. 4 new positions: Message Header, Message Footer, before Items, and after Items. And we have created a filter through which you can add custom code to product rows, and if you want, you can replace and customize the entire row. : 4 new Positions and code axample ( echo payment_status in the 4 positions) `<?php add_filter('nftb_order_header_message_hook', 'my_filter_function', 10, 1); add_filter('nftb_order_before_items_hook', 'my_filter_function', 10, 1); add_filter('nftb_order_after_items_hook', 'my_filter_function', 10, 1); add_filter('nftb_order_footer_message_hook', 'my_filter_function', 10, 1); function my_filter_function($order_id) { $order = wc_get_order($order_id); if ($order) { // Get order details $order_data = $order->get_data(); // Extract specific order information $payment_status = $order->get_status(); $payment_method = $order->get_payment_method(); } return "\r\n\r\n".$payment_method."(".$payment_status.")\r\n" ; } ?>` Product rows Filter with 2 different behaviors ADD or REPLACE LINE `<?php add_filter('nftb_order_product_line_hook', 'my_item_line_function', 10, 3); function my_item_line_function($message ,$product_id, $item) { // ADD SOME CODE $product_id TO ORIGINAL row $message. $modified_data = $message. "->".$product_id. "\r\n"; // REPLACE Product ITEM LINE CODE WITH YOUR CODE without concatenate $message. $modified_data = $product_id. "\r\n"; return $modified_data; } ?>` ** USER LOGIN HOOKS ** `<?php //Filter to add code on user login notification message add_filter('nftb_login_notification', 'custom_message_modifier', 10, 1); //Filter to add code on user registration notification message add_filter('nftb_user_registered_notification', 'custom_message_modifier', 10, 1); //Filter to add code when existing user fails login notification message add_filter('nftb_existing_user_fails_login_notification', 'custom_message_modifier', 10, 1); //Filter to add code when unknown user fails login notification message add_filter('nftb_unknown_user_fails_login_notification', 'custom_message_modifier', 10, 1); // ADD User registration date to notification message function custom_message_modifier( $user_id) { $user_info = get_userdata($user_id); if ($user_info) { $registration_date = $user_info->user_registered; $timestamp = strtotime($registration_date); $locale = 'it_IT'; // Italian locale $formatter = new IntlDateFormatter($locale, IntlDateFormatter::LONG, IntlDateFormatter::LONG, 'UTC'); $formatter->setPattern('d MMMM y HH:mm:ss'); $formatted_date = $formatter->format($timestamp); $message = "\r\n\r\nUser gistration Date: " . $formatted_date."\r\n\r\n"; } else { $message = "\r\n No info about user ! \r\n " ; } return $message; } ?>` before the hooks we introduced 3 function so you can add things in message without changing the plug code We keep them for compatibility but encourage the use of hooks!! Position in the order message are: before items, after items, product_line
  1. before the product list : (add order ID example)
<?php function nftb_order_before_items($order_id){ return "ORDER ID : ".$order_id; } ?php>
  1. after the product list: (add order Currency example)
<?php function nftb_order_after_items($order_id){ $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); $data = $order->get_data(); // order data return "Currency: ".$data['currency']; } ?php>
  1. at the end of the line of each individual product of the order: (add product slug example)
<?php function nftb_order_product_line($product_id,$item){ $product = wc_get_product( $product_id ); return " | ".$product->get_slug()." "; } ?php> Suggestions for other Notification, hooks and others plug integrations are Welcome !!


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. e.g.
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin
  4. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)


  • Choose which notification you want to receive
  • A shortcode example.
  • Order Telegram Notification
  • Login fails result on your Mobile app
  • Woocommerce Setting Tab
  • Cron Setting Tab keep update your system
  • Hook Position in Order Notification
  • Hook Position in Login Notification


For Old versions Only !! after updating to version> 2 check the settings again, if you have problems in the update uninstall and reinstall the plug sorry for the problem


How to obtain Token?

When You create a telegram bot you will get a Token. BotFather @botfather is the one bot to rule them all. It will help you create new bots and change settings for existing ones. search for @botfather Creating a new bot Use the /newbot command to create a new bot. The BotFather will ask you for a name and username, then generate an authorization token for your new bot. The name of your bot is displayed in contact details and elsewhere. The Username is a short name, to be used in mentions and links. Usernames are 5-32 characters long and are case insensitive, but may only include Latin characters, numbers, and underscores. Your bot's username must end in 'bot', e.g. 'tetris_bot' or 'TetrisBot'. The token is a string along the lines of 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw that is required to authorize the bot and send requests to the Bot API. Keep your token secure and store it safely, it can be used by anyone to control your bot. Generating an authorization token. If your existing token is compromised or you lost it for some reason, use the /token command to generate a new one.

How to obtain the chat_id of a private Telegram channel?

The easiest way is to invite @get_id_bot in your chat and then type: /my_id @get_id_bot or search in telegram @RawDataBot -> write something and the bot will reply your account info with the id .

Can i insert more than one recipient chatid?

Yes you can add more than one chattid separated by a comma (,) both in option page and in the shortcode.


3.4 3.3.7 3.3.6 3.3.3 3.3.1 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0