Nuno Sarmento API To Post is the simplest way to get WordPress Posts from a remote WordPress website. The plugin fetches posts from a remote website using WP API and display them in very slick and gorgeous two grid layout.
Add your API URL on NS API To Post admin page ( example ) please don't forget to add ?_embed on your url.
I have tried to keep this plugin as simple as possible, you are not going to be overwhelmed with options like some of the API plugins out there.
At this stage I haven't implemented every API To Post feature, but if there is a feature that you'd really like to see, please let me know.
Current features
- Admin Option Panel.
- Fully responsive.
- 1 Columns
- 2 Columns
If you have suggestions for a new add-on, feel free to email me at .
Or follow me on Twitter!
1.0.0 - Name standards.
1.0.1 - Tidy plugins included file.