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适用于 WooCommerce 的 Omnisend 电子邮件营销

开发者 Omnisend
更新时间 2025年1月15日 22:13
PHP版本: 7.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3 or later License
版权网址: 版权信息


WooCommerce SMS Marketing Email Marketing Newsletter


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THE EASIEST, MOST SIMPLE TO USE EMAIL MARKETING, NEWSLETTER, SMS MARKETING & AUTOMATION PLUGIN FOR WOOCOMMERCE Omnisend is the ultimate email & SMS marketing plugin and CRM solution for WooCommerce, and helps more than 125,000 ecommerce stores around the world sell more stuff to more people. Our email marketing platform is designed to help you increase your revenue and grow your business with ease. With Omnisend, you can manage your customer relationships, build your email & SMS lists, send targeted campaigns, create automation workflows, and track your results – all from within your WordPress dashboard. Best of all, it’s completely free to get started! Omnisend 的一些功能包括: 🎉 All-in-One Email & SMS Marketing Solution 使用 Omnisend,您可以针对目标受众创建并发送电子邮件和短信活动,发送序列邮件,引导新客户,并使用强大的自动化可视化工作流程构建全面的营销策略。 一旦您发送了电子邮件营销活动,您就可以轻松分析该特定活动的开启率、点击率和销售额。您还可以跟踪打开邮件和点击的人员数据,并根据这些信息进一步对您的客户进行细分。 📧📱 Email & SMS Campaigns 🎉 Automation Workflows 📱 SMS Marketing 🎉 Integrated Opt-in Forms 🎉 Built-in Analytics & Dashboards 🎉 Ecommerce integrations 🎉 Even More Features 🛡️ 完全符合 GDPR 协议 Omnisend 是一个自托管的 WordPress 插件。您拥有自己的数据,并且这些数据受到了最新安全标准的保护。我们的平台完全符合 GDPR 的要求,因此您可以放心,您的客户数据将以负责任的方式收集和使用。 使用 Omnisend 提升用户参与度 Omnisend 是一款一站式的电子邮件和短信营销自动化平台,旨在帮助电商企业提升用户参与度并增加收入。由一群对电商充满热情的经验丰富的开发人员构建,Omnisend 近 10 年来一直是全球商家的首选。Omnisend 始于 2014 年,最初名为 Soundest 的电子邮件营销平台。从第一天起,我们始终把电商营销人员置于每一个决策的核心位置 — 这一点至今未曾改变。 加入数以千计的满意客户,立即开始使用 Omnisend 提升用户参与度。以下是我们的客户对我们的评价: ★★★★★
"功能非常强大,帮助我的 WooCommerce 业务迅速增长。客服非常出色,他们总是尽力解决我所有的需求。" ★★★★★ “Omnisend 对于初学者来说非常出色。使用起来非常简单,但如果遇到不理解的地方,客户服务总是随时准备提供帮助。每一页都有一个聊天图标,他们在问题提出后几分钟内就会回复。即使这是我第一次使用这样的服务,我也感到非常受鼓舞。” ★★★★★ “我管理多个使用不同供应商的商店,大多数使用的是 Mailchimp。在尝试了 Omnisend 之后(特别是对于大数据存储),我决定切换多个大型商店(超过 10 万订单);这个决定很容易做出,因为在 Mailchimp 上,同步过程需要一周时间!而在 Omnisend 上只需要 3 个小时!对我来说,这是一个巨大的飞跃,因为 Mailchimp 经常会随机断开商店或取消自动化流程而不提前通知(多个账户)。我在近 4 个月内将 Omnisend 应用于将近 10 家商店,一切都非常出色!界面、自动化和客服支持都非常好,我强烈推荐他们给那些需要数据统计和受众细分的商店,和那些需要快速自动化工作流和出色、可靠和迅速的客服支持的商店。另外,他们的 API 响应迅速,文档也很好,我已经做了几个应用案例,一切看起来都很顺利!” ★★★★★ “我们已经使用 Omnisend 有一段时间了,他们的界面简单直观,与我们的其他系统和应用无缝集成。每当我们有问题,他们都能迅速回答,并且总是乐于帮助。特别感谢 Agustine 和 Stefan,他们是你们团队的优秀成员🙂” WPBeginner 在这个视频中谈到了我们。 Omnisend Email & SMS marketing reviews by other experts: 原生 WooCommerce 集成: Omnisend’s email marketing & SMS plugin seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce to help you collect leads, create targeted segments, send emails, and grow your email and SMS list. 订阅表单集成: Easily add Omnisend’s signup forms to your WordPress site and automatically add new subscribers to your Omnisend 账户. You can also segment your email marketing & SMS subscribers based on the form they filled out or the page they signed up from. WooCommerce 集成: Omnisend’s plugin is the perfect tool for WooCommerce users. You can segment your email marketing & SMS contacts based on their purchase history, including items purchased, total spend, and more. You can also send targeted campaigns to customers based on their purchase history, such as abandoned cart reminders and post-purchase follow-ups. 短信营销: 通过 Omnisend 的短信集成,您可以轻松向客户发送有针对性的短信营销活动。您可以根据客户的购买历史、网站活动等进行细分。 易于使用: Omnisend’s plugin is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that lets you create and manage email marketing & SMS campaigns directly from your WordPress dashboard. With Omnisend’s plugin, you can take your email & SMS marketing to the next level. 广告集成: 通过改进的定位和报告,为您的商店带来更多流量。 订阅集成: 根据联系人的订阅状态和活动发送定向活动并触发自动化消息。 评价集成: 通过跟进客户的评论,向他们展示您对他们看法的关心 Loyalty & Rewards integrations: Discover apps that’ll help you turn one-time customers into repeat customers. Affiliate & Influencer marketing integrations: Use influencer marketing and affiliate data to make your workflows more relevant. Automations & Middleware integrations: Set up and customize automations between Omnisend and your favorite apps. Shipping & Logistics integrations: Keep your customers up-to-date about their order status and shipping information. 集成客服支持: 应用程序帮助您保持品牌在顾客心目中的重要性。 Back-in-stock & wishlist integrations: Build workflows based on back-in-stock items and your contact’s wishlists. EASILY MIGRATE FROM MAILCHIMP, KLAVIYO, & MORE Omnisend has made it extremely easy to switch from other ESPs or CRMs like Mailchimp and Klaviyo with our dedicated migration tools. That’s right, just a few clicks and a few minutes, and you’ll get your data imported into Omnisend. Switch now from Klaviyo, Mailchimp, ConvertKit, MailerLite, Drip and Active Campaign in just minutes.


  • 通过预先构建的电子商务工作流程重振销售额
  • Send email marketing, newsletters & SMS campaigns. Automate your marketing.
  • 在慷慨的免费套餐中访问并使用所有功能
  • Grow your email lists with popups incl exit-intent, sign-up forms & spin-to-win
  • 快速的全天候客服支持
  • 利用预先构建的电子商务工作流,全天候推动收入
  • 实用的深入分析,帮助您创建更个性化的消息
  • 通过极具针对性的着陆页面吸引更多访问者



Here are a few simple steps to start selling more with Omnisend:

  1. Create your Omnisend account here. Enjoy all features on our Free Plan
  2. Download the Omnisend plugin
  3. Install the Omnisend plugin and follow the instructions to set it up


  • PHP 7.1 或更高版本
  • WordPress 4.7.0+
  • WooCommerce 插件 6.0 或更高版本
  • Omnisend account

我如何联系 Omnisend 的客服团队?

We give you stellar support and helpful advice anytime you need it. Check out our Knowledge Base, shoot us an email, or just write us a direct message on our platform. We’re available 24/7 for all users—both on Free and paid plans.

我在哪里可以找到 Omnisend 的使用条款?

Read Omnisend Terms of Use = 我如何报告安全漏洞? You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.


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