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One Click Login

开发者 bestpluginswordpress
更新时间 2022年10月24日 05:55
PHP版本: 5.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


google login registration authentication signin sso register sign in social login oauth google login single-sign-on g suite google apps on click login one click login gsuite



[youtube] Allows users to login and register with Gmail and G-Suite. You can add an unlimited amount of groups and all groups can be customized separately. Groups consist of two different types: domains and whitelisting. Registering If enabled, users of a group can register new accounts by logging in with One Click Login. By default, these users are given the "Subscriber" role but you can also customize it up to the "Administrator" role. Prevent password usage If enabled, users of a group can be prevented from using their password in any way. These users can’t login with their password, change their password, or reset their password. They can only login with One Click Login. This is particularly handy for companies as these users lose their ability to log in once their G-Suite account has been disabled. Password regeneration If enabled, users of a group will have their password regenerated automatically whenever they log in. This can only be enabled if the group has "Prevent password usage" enabled. Ignored users Sometimes a domain (such as or contains a huge amount of users and you want to prevent password usage for most of them but not all. This is where Ignored users come in handy. With Ignored users, you can take a group and select which users can use their password normally while preventing it for the rest of the users in the group. Hiding the plugin One Click Login can also be hidden from the admin page and from the login page. The menu and One Click Login button will only be visible if the url contains a specific word ( The specific word ("show_hidden_page") can be set in the plugin settings. This is great when you want to hide the admin panel and the login button from regular users and only show them to your friends and colleagues. Exporting / Importing One Click Login supports exporting the settings for easy importing. There are two ways to import settings:


You will need a Google OAuth Client ID & Secret, which is easy and quick to generate using this tutorial: Importing instructions can be found from the "Import / Export" tab inside the plugin settings.


  • Allows anyone from and to login and register. New users will gain "Subscriber" / "Administrator" role automatically. Administrators can not use their password in any way, meaning they must login with One Click Login plugin.
  • Allows anyone from and to login and register. They will gain "Administrator" role automatically. They can not use their password in any way, meaning they must login with One Click Login plugin.
  • Importing / Exporting.