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OneHop SMS Services

开发者 screenmagic
更新时间 2016年8月31日 18:08
PHP版本: 4.5.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


texting automation sms marketing sms sms automation sms campaign onehop sms marketplace


1.0 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2


Onehop is the world's first SMS provider marketplace. You can search for text providers based on your industry and use case. You can also view the delivery rate and latency rate, so it is easy for you to compare SMS providers. Onehop adds transparency to the process of picking a text provider. Routing makes it easy for you to switch between text providers. Preface Texting helps retail customers know the status of their order, when it has been shipped and delivered. The immediacy of texting can also help online retailers keep tabs on their inventory, restocking in time, so they don't lose out on orders. Similarly, texting customers who were interested in an out of stock item when it is back in stock, can prompt them to place an order immediately. By using Onehop on Wordpress, you can buy texts according to your use case. You can write templates based on various scenarios, for your convenience. Automating SMSs based on purchase process flows will also increase your operational efficiency. Excited? Let's get started. Onehop SMS Services on Wordpress includes below features: Requirements Documentation


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Register on Onehop -> Buy an SMS product -> Configure Routing
  4. Configure Onehop API Key in the Configuration Tab.
You're done !


  • Welcome Tab.
  • Configuration - API Settings
  • Send SMS.
  • SMS Automation - Order Confirmation
  • SMS Automation - Order Completed
  • SMS Automation - Order Processing
  • SMS Automation - Order on Hold
  • SMS Automation - Out of Stock Alerts
  • SMS Automation - Back in Stock Alerts
  • Manage Templates
  • Add Template


There are currently no special upgrade instructions. Use the normal WordPress upgrade procedure regardless of the version you're using.


Do you have a User Guide on how to use your plugin?

Yes. Click here to access the guide.

Do you have a User Guide for Onehop?

Yes. Click here to access the guide.

Do you provide any API Documentation?

Yes. Click here to access the API documentation.

Will this Plugin work without WooCommerce?

Yes. Plugin will work but you will not be able to use SMS Automation feature as we use Woocommerce data to trigger the Automation rules.

Do you charge us to create a Onehop account?

No. Creating an account is free and no subscription charges applied. However, you need to purchase credits on Onehop Marketplace to send sms.


1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0