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Open User Map

开发者 100plugins
更新时间 2025年2月18日 22:15
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


leaflet map mapbox regions interactive map


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Create a custom map featuring your own locations or an interactive map where anyone can add location pins without registering. New locations will wait for your approval before getting published. The map is based on Leaflet Map JS and offers you many free map and marker styles. You do not need an API Key, Access Token or any other external registration (unlike Google Maps). Additionally you have access to awesome MapBox map styles. Demos | Start 7-day PRO trial (no credit card required) | More Info | Help 🍿 Watch Video on YouTube: What is Open User Map? 🌏 How to create a Simple Map Integrate a customized and clear map showcasing only your own location markers, without the option for other users to add new locations. Additional features will be deactivated by default. 🍿 Watch Video on YouTube: How to create a Simple Map 👩🏾‍🚀🤵👩🏻‍🎤👩🏽‍🌾👩🏿‍💻 How to create an Interactive Map Create a community map! Visitors to your page can add new location markers to the map. You will receive a notification to approve each location before it is published. Your visitors can search for addresses or markers worldwide to quickly find the right spots. You can add custom fields and descriptions to the form to collect the data you need. Image, Video and Audio uploads are possible and much more. Let your users collaborate! How your website visitors add new markers to your map: Just by clicking a "+"-Button a form will popup to let the visitor enter location details the same comfortable way you can do it in the backend. After submit the location proposal will be "pending" and wait for your review approval to get published. 🍿 Watch Video on YouTube: Add a new Location 🆕 Regions Add regional navigation tabs and let your visitors 'fly' back and forth between locations that are far apart from each other. See the Demo Map. 🍿 Watch Video on YouTube: Regions More than 60 options to customize Use the Gutenberg Block or Elementor Widget to integrate your map or place the shortcode anywhere on your site. Close by locations will group together in clusters. Make use of Custom Fields to create the form accoding to your needs. Free Features:


From your WordPress dashboard
  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for “Open User Map”
  3. Install and activate Open User Map from your Plugins page
  4. Use the default WordPress editor or Elementor to insert the "Open User Map" block onto a page. Alternatively, you can use the shortcode [open-user-map].
  5. You can manage locations in the “Open User Map” menu.
  6. You can manage styles and features under "Open User Map > Settings".


  • Customizable location details
  • Beautiful Map & Marker styles
  • Approval & Notifications
  • Regions
  • Gutenberg Block, Elementor Widget & Shortcodes
  • More than 60 Settings to customize


How to integrate the map?

Use the Block Editor or Elementor to insert the "Open User Map" block or just place the shortcode [open-user-map] anywhere in your content. Or integrate it within your theme template with PHP: echo do_shortcode("[open-user-map]")

Do I need an API Key or some external registration?

No, the plugin is based on Leaflet.js and offers you free map styles that don’t need any kind of registration.

The map doesn't show up with content preloading.

Some themes/plugins make use of content preloading. This can break the loading of the OUM map. In this rare case please disable preloading for the map section. Alternatively you could manually trigger the oumMap.invalidateSize() method after the content has been loaded. This reinits the OUM map.

Can I use custom fields?

Yes. You can add custom fields in the settings and use them instead of "subtitle" and "description".

Can I use Elementor?

Yes! You will find the "Open User Map"-Widget. The minimum required Elementor version is 3.7.0. PHP needs to be at least version 7.3.

Can I use custom styles?

Yes, we encourage you to do so. This plugin is supposed to be developer friendly. Feel free to override the .open-user-map class in css to create your own awesome design.

Where do I find help?

Please check our Knowledge Base and search the Support Forum.


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