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开发者 dougwollison
更新时间 2019年12月22日 08:19


order post order sort posts sort order manager term order sort terms




Order Manager allows you sort posts and terms belonging to any post type or any taxonomy, as well as posts tagged with a specific term. Options "Enable order manager for all posts/terms" This will add a new page to the WordPress menu under the associated post type. It provides you with a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to organize your posts or terms. If the post type or taxonomy supports a hierarchy, it will also let you easily reassign items to different parents by dragging them just below the intended parent. This adds a new 'orderby' value when using get_terms(): 'menu_order'. "Enable post order manager for each term" Taxonomies with this option enabled will now offer a post order interface on each term's edit screen, allowing you to set a unique order for posts in that term. This adds a new 'orderby' value when using get_posts(): 'term_order'. Note: this unique order will only take effect when listing posts belonging to a specific term that uses this. "Override order on get_posts()/get_terms()" This will cause all queries for posts/terms of that type to use the custom order by default, rather than by date/name. In the case of a query for posts belonging to a term with post-sorting enabled, it will use that order by default. == Description == Order Manager allows you sort posts and terms belonging to any post type or any taxonomy, as well as posts tagged with a specific term. Options "Enable order manager for all posts/terms" This will add a new page to the WordPress menu under the associated post type. It provides you with a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to organize your posts or terms. If the post type or taxonomy supports a hierarchy, it will also let you easily reassign items to different parents by dragging them just below the intended parent. This adds a new 'orderby' value when using get_terms(): 'menu_order'. "Enable post order manager for each term" Taxonomies with this option enabled will now offer a post order interface on each term's edit screen, allowing you to set a unique order for posts in that term. This adds a new 'orderby' value when using get_posts(): 'term_order'. Note: this unique order will only take effect when listing posts belonging to a specific term that uses this. "Override order on get_posts()/get_terms()" This will cause all queries for posts/terms of that type to use the custom order by default, rather than by date/name. In the case of a query for posts belonging to a term with post-sorting enabled, it will use that order by default.


  1. Upload the contents of order-manager.tar.gz to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Find the new 'Order Manager' page under 'Settings' in WordPress.
  4. Select which features you want enabled on each post type/taxonomy (any that have a UI will be available).
  5. The individual order managers will appear in the menu under it's respective post type (e.g. 'Page Order' under 'Pages' or 'Category Order' under 'Posts'). If post order is enabled for terms, the interface will appear on the edit screen of each term.
== Installation ==
  1. Upload the contents of order-manager.tar.gz to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Find the new 'Order Manager' page under 'Settings' in WordPress.
  4. Select which features you want enabled on each post type/taxonomy (any that have a UI will be available).
  5. The individual order managers will appear in the menu under it's respective post type (e.g. 'Page Order' under 'Pages' or 'Category Order' under 'Posts'). If post order is enabled for terms, the interface will appear on the edit screen of each term.


Details on each release can be found on the GitHub releases page for this project. = 1.0.0 = Initial public release. == Changelog == Details on each release can be found on the GitHub releases page for this project. 1.0.0 Initial public release.