开发者 | orderable |
更新时间 | 2025年2月10日 21:47 |
PHP版本: | 5.6 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 6.7 |
版权: | GPLv2 or later |
版权网址: | 版权信息 |
One of the benefits of using Orderable is you are not charged additional fees on each transaction, unlike other ordering systems.
Orderable will work with all major page builders. You simply create your ordering layout and use the provided shortcode in your page builder. Orderable also provides a native Gutenberg Block.
Yes, you certainly can, however, your client won't have direct access to our support. All support requests would need to come from you as the license purchaser.
Orderable integrates with WordPress and uses WooCommerce for the checkout. So you will need a hosting account with WordPress and WooCommerce installed. If you don’t have WooCommerce installed, Orderable will install it for you.
This is where Orderable is a solution for everyone. Any payment gateway for WooCommerce will work with Orderable.
Orderable only works with WordPress right now.
You can access our roadmap and feature request board via the account area after purchasing Pro. We don't currently have a public-facing roadmap.
Great question. While we haven't tested every WordPress theme, Orderable was designed to work with all themes. If you do run into any issues with your theme, our support will be happy to get it resolved for you.
Glad you asked! Orderable Pro is an optional add-on to Orderable that adds additional revenue increasing features.
[fix] Missing location settings when WooPayments is activated
[fix] Admin order screen: sorting by "Due date" not working for HPOS
v1.15.0 (22 Jul 2024)
[fix] List view in Product Layout
v1.14.0 (12 Jun 2024)
[new] Order Reminders
[new] Developer filter orderable_services_filter_options
[update] Add Live Order View assets to be processed by gulp
[update] Notification unmuted by default on the Live Order View
[fix] Open Hours and Open Days cache
[fix] Retina product image in the product layout
[fix] Side drawer render for block-based themes
v1.13.0 (11 Apr 2024)
[new] Service date field compatibility with WooCommerce Checkout block
[fix] RTL issues in the side drawer
v1.12.2 (14 Mar 2024)
[fix] Missing orderable_get_products_by_category
hook in get_products_by_category
v1.12.1 (12 Feb 2024)
[fix] Holidays cache issue
v1.12.0 (08 Feb 2024)
[fix] Incorrect postcode not showing the message No locations found offering delivery or pickup
[fix] Order date validation on the checkout process
v1.11.0 (29 Jan 2024)
[new] Simple products can now be added to the cart without triggering the side drawer
[new] WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin integration
[new] WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin integration
[fix] orderable_layouts
post type parameters
[fix] Setting the product category visibility to default
v1.10.1 (15 Nov 2023)
[update] Remove Google Fonts
[fix] Remove view cart link after adding a product to the cart
[fix] Holidays being removed when updating a location
[fix] Text domain for the string From
v1.10.0 (20 Sep 2023)
[new] Open hours block
[new] Compatibility with TikTok plugin
[fix] Date delivery offering "Tomorrow" when "Week Days Only" method is selected and the lead time is greater or equal than two
[fix] Call to undefined function wc_get_page_screen_id
v1.9.0 (25 Jul 2023)
[new] Compatibility with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
v1.8.4 (20 Jul 2023)
[fix] Location data not getting updated when cache is activated
[fix] Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees
v1.8.3 (04 Jul 2023)
[new] Filter orderable_location_get_lead_time
[fix] Missing jQuery UI images
v1.8.2 (23 May 2023)
[fix] Time-slots not appearing when the site's language is not English
v1.8.1 (17 May 2023)
[new] Filter orderable_location_max_index_date
[fix] Update the required Pro version to 1.8.0
[fix] Ensure time slots still work if Pro isn't updated
[fix] Preorder Days field default value
[fix] Allow checkout when services disabled
v1.8.0 (15 May 2023)
[new] Multi-location functionality
[new] Filter orderable_settings
[fix] Tab filter in the product layouts when the category slug is an invalid selector
[fix] Add French language files
[fix] Live order "bell" sound no longer repeats endlessly
v1.7.2 (04 Jan 2023)
[fix] Ask for review notice
[fix] Default option in the Orderable: Product Layout block
v1.7.1 (16 Nov 2022)
[fix] Missing strings in the POT file.
v1.7.0 (16 Nov 2022)
[new] Actions: orderable_after_layout_settings_fields
, orderable_before_product_card
, orderable_before_product_actions
, orderable_before_product_title
and orderable_before_product_description
[fix] PHP Warning in Live Order View
v1.6.1 (07 Oct 2022)
[fix] Missing jquery-ui.css file
v1.6.0 (23 Sep 2022)
[update] Add filter to update hero image size orderable_product_hero_image_size
[fix] Order details internationalization
[fix] Product short description formatting in the Product Layout
[fix] Arrow button disappearing without hitting the end of horizontal scroll
[fix] Fatal error in Live order view when user role is null
[fix] Validation issue with multi-line text field
[fix] Missing addon value selection on editing product in the cart
[fix] Add Spanish language files
v1.5.0 (3 Aug 2022)
[new] Add Delivery Days calculation method setting
[new] Add new filters for service types
[update] Allow templates files to be overridden by theme/child theme
[update] Add Spanish language files
[fix] Don't redirect to settings if Woo inactive
[fix] PHP error in mini-cart.php
v1.4.0 (20 Jun 2022)
[new] Edit product after adding to the cart
[new] Add shortcode [orderable_add_to_cart]
[new] Option to open quickview when card is clicked
[new] Allow users to manually change quantity in the side drawer
[new] Added filter to allow admin to override the live view audio notification file:orderable_live_view_new_order_audio_file_url
[new] New filters added for service types
[update] Ability to remove/clear any repeatable settings row
[update] Add translation for date range picker element in Live Order View
[update] Show error on quantity change if the requested quantity is more than available quantity
[update] Only modify mini cart in Orderable sidebar
[update] Optimized tabbed layout navigation on mobile
[update] Remove hidden categories/products from sitemap
[update] Add media import helper
[fix] Out of stock visibility in Product Layout
[fix] Allow order_manager users to place new orders
[fix] Increase/decrease quantity on mini cart when "Ajax add to cart" is disabled
[fix] Make Weekdays and 'Filter by due date' translatable
[fix] Multiple requests on changing the quantity of a product on mini cart
[fix] Translation issues in the backend
[fix] Clicking on Order status count closes the live order view
[fix] Issue where order page filter won't work for same start and end date
v1.3.0 (13 Apr 2022)
[new] Option to open quickview when card is clicked
[new] Allow users to manually change quantity in the side cart
[new] Ability to remove/clear any repeatable settings row
[new] Quick view settings under Orderable > Settings > Side Drawer
[new] Product information accordion added to quick view
[update] Renamed "Layout Builder" menu item to "Product Layouts"
[update] Updated brand colour in admin area
[update] Remove hidden categories/products from sitemap
[update] Optimized tabbed layout navigation on mobile
[update] Only modify mini cart in Orderable sidebar
[update] Show error on quantity change if the requested quantity is more than available quantity
[update] Add translation for date range picker element in Live Order View
[fix] Make Weekdays and 'Filter by due date' translatable
[fix] Increase/decrease quantity on mini cart when "Ajax add to cart" is disabled
[fix] Out of stock visibility in Product Layout
[fix] Allow order_manager users to place new orders
v1.2.0 (26 Jan 2022)
[new] Getting started videos in the settings dashboard
[update] Add Today/Tomorrow date options
[update] Complete opt-in step during onboarding
[update] Move ASAP slot setting to Pro
[update] Add placeholder settings when Pro is not active
[fix] Issue where logo upload button won't work
[fix] Ensure Orderable does not run when Woo is not active
[fix] Fix issue where multiple "ASAP" options appear in the dropdown
[fix] Checkout timeout issue when no service days are selected
[fix] Repeat holidays not working if current holiday still active
v1.1.1 (9 Dec 2021)
[new] More guidance after initial install
[update] Generate POT file
[update] Style empty cart message
[fix] Fix onboarding steps
[fix] Issue where no dates were available after current day cutoff
v1.1.0 (30 Nov 2021)
[new] Add new global "lead time" field for delivery/pickup dates
[update] Preorder days will now skip days the store is closed during calculations
[update] Change drawer close icon and add swipe to close
[update] Add help links to settings page
[update] Refine and simplify mobile styles
[update] Short description filter
[update] Update dependencies
[update] Update POT file
[fix] issue where activating any other plugin would redirect to Orderable settings page
[fix] Issue with product addon/variation validation
[fix] Fix JS not updating tray button
[fix] Fix layout builder warnings
v1.0.0 (8 Nov 2021)
[new] Replacement Checkout Screen (Pro Checkout Module)
[new] Added styling for 'text' field (Pro Addons Module)
[update] Add screenshots
[update] Redirect on install
[update] More CSS Classes
[update] Update Dependencies
[fix] Better support for RTL languages
[fix] Error when activating Orderable
[fix] Issue with dropdown when ASAP not set
[fix] Tip text overflowing container
[fix] Live preview area not updating
[fix] Country field not populated when onboarding
[fix] Opening hours not saved correctly during setup
[fix] Draft products showing in product view
v0.2.0 (24 Sep 2021)
[new] ASAP delivery slots
[fix] Don't disable order button if shipping is not required
[fix] Make sure plus/minus show correctly in cart
[fix] Rendering duplicate groups if parent and child categories are selected
[fix] Translations not rendering
[fix] Multisite compatibility
[fix] Issue with product and product category sorting
[fix] Tab selection compatibility
v0.1.5 (30 Jul 2021)
[new] Add layout option to make whole product card clickable
[update] Change menu position to '54' so WCFM doesn't overwrite it
[update] Update NL translation files
[fix] Ensure holiday timestamps are in the correct timezone
[fix] Ensure product options are removed after adding to cart to prevent conflicts
v0.1.4 (5 Jul 2021)
[new] Position mini cart icon under "Style" settings
[new] Adjust cart quantity in the mini cart
[new] Added product title and price size settings
[update] Add POT file
[update] Disable checkout and show message when no slots available
[update] Added NL language files (thanks to Ivan It)
[fix] Time slots showing in admin when "All Day" selected
[fix] Fix datepicker for newly added holiday rows in settings
v0.1.3 (16 Jun 2021)
[update] Delete transients when new version is installed
[fix] Typo in settings link
v0.1.2 (16 Jun 2021)
[update] Sanitize output in admin
[update] Convert module loader to strict paths
[update] Update onboarding script for modern jQuery
[update] Include external assets locally
[fix] Fix category visibility sanitization
[fix] Ensure sub-categories follow menu order
v0.1.1 (10 Jun 2021)
[fix] Fix category headings
[fix] Fix price/button spacing in grid layout
[fix] Populate Woo fields after installing during onboarding
v0.1.0 (10 Jun 2021)
Soft Release