OSD Outdated Browser widget allows you to display a custom banner for users using old browsers.\
The banner is fully customizable and also exposes filters for developers to use. All a user needs to do
is install/activate the plugin, set up the proper settings, then add the OSD Outdated Browser widget
to a widget area.
Upload the osd-outdated-browser directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Visit the settings page under Settings > OSD Outdated Browser
Add the OSD Outdated Browser widget to any widget area in your theme.
If the default message is not used, be sure to include an element with the id "osd-outdated-browser-close" in order to close the banner and set a cookie based on user preferences.
Styles can be easily overridden in the theme's style sheet (style.css) or in the WYSIWYG editor
If you desire more control over how the banner is displayed, a WordPress filter is available. just use the following code: add_filter('osd-outdated-browser', function($content, $args) {}, 10, 2);
Additionally, the WordPress filters content_edit_pre and content_save_pre are applied to the banner content.
Display a banner in outdated browsers notifying user to update
Soon to come?
Yes, as users ask us questions.
Added settings link to plugins page
Fixed minor styling bug
Enabled use with a shortcode
Fixed a bug where older versions of PHP would not work.
Fixed a minor style issue
Updated instructions because they were terrible and mentioned nothing of being a widget
Fixed a style bug in IE.
Fixed a logic bug where javascripts and styles were being inserted regardless of the banner showing or not.