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OSM - OpenStreetMap

开发者 MiKa
更新时间 2022年10月16日 00:07
PHP版本: 5.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0.1
版权: GPLv2


location map marker geolocation geo geocode GPX geotag geotagging OSM KML OpenStreetMap POI stamen OpenLayers Tracks OpenSeaMap basemap thunderforest



Add a map with marker in less than 100 sec: [youtube] If you want to get detailed information about the OSM-plugin visit these pages: Features of the OSM-plugin: Languages - thanks to: Licenses of the maps: !! IMPORTANT !! The WordPress Plugin Review Team required us to provide opt-in feature to display attribution since it is part of WordPress Plugin Guidelines. So you have to enable the checkbox "Display attribution (credit) in the map." at the WP OSM Plugin Shortcode generater or add the attribution manually to your map. Otherwise it may violate the map or data license, eg OpenStreetMap.


  1. Upload OSM folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Generate the OSM shortcode when you write your post / page
IMPORTANT: Personal data (eg. gpx files) must not be stored in the plugins/osm folder but in the upload folder!


Do I need any key or any registration to show maps in my blog


I do not see my gpx file / marker file in the map ?

The file has to be located at the same adress as your blog. There must be not format tag (like href ...) in the shortcode.

