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Output Desk Live Chat

开发者 Srimax
更新时间 2022年2月12日 21:06
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8.3
版权: GPLv2


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Output Desk is a free Live Chat assists you to Answer your customers in real-time and make them happy. Once you installed the plug-in, you will be ready to avail the full advantages of the benefits our Output Desk provides. With Output Desk, say your website visitors that you are there to help them lively and turn your Idle website as Live. Live chat and visitors Monitoring Output Desk Live Chat supports to monitor your visitors. Lively you can find out the visitors accessing your website, the current page and the pages accessed by them, how they noticed your website, consent the chats, and then invite them to chat. How it Works? After installing the plug-in successfully, just link with your Output Desk Account to get the Live Chat box on your website. Then launch Output Desk Dashboard to access all features and to see the list of visitors on your website, to whom you can write to any-time. Key Features For more details visit If you need help with the Chat or you want to report a bug please refer to our support at


Server Requirements: PHP4 or PHP5. Wordpress versions: Wordpress 3.0 and up. Step-by-step Guide:


  • Output Desk - Live Chat Window on your Website
  • Account Configuration on WP Back-end
  • Output Desk - Dashboard
  • Output Desk - Back-end Operator Console
  • Offline Message form will be displayed when you are away


After installing the plug-in, visit the account set-up page and finish the instant signup process. Now you can chat with your website visitors/customers directly through the Operators console.


Where can I find documentation for the Live Chat software Output Desk?

You can get the helpline any-time at our Support site And we are happy to help you! Just chat with us through our site or email us at for further clarifications.


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