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Ovulation Predictor

开发者 prasunsen
更新时间 2011年11月3日 00:27
PHP版本: 2.0.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2.1


calculator due date pregnancy ovulation predictor



This plugin displays functional ovulation and due date predictor. It can be used from women to check their future fertile time and due date. From version 1.1 the plugin is also available as a standard Wordpress Widget.


  1. Upload ovpredct.phpto the/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the CSS class in the admin screen in Plugins/Overweight Calculator Configuration. This is optional, the predictor will work fine without any CSS classes.
  4. Place [ovulation-predictor] in the content of a page or post. The calculator will appear on the place of this tag


Can I use change the CSS?

Yes, you can change it in Plugins/Ovulation Predictor Configuration page

Can I put Ads On the Page With The Predictor?

Yes, you can put Adsense or any other ads

Can I use it as a widget?

Yes, from version 1.1 you can place the predictor in any widget area. You do not need to use the [ovulation-predictor] code anywhere in this case.