Pandora FMS WP is a
monitoring plugin for Wordpress. 100% free and OpenSource. It collect basic information from your Wordpress and allow Pandora FMS to retrieve it remotely using a REST API. Some examples are new posts, comments or user logins in last hour. It also monitor if new plugins or themes has been isntalled, if a new user has been created of if a bruteforce login attempt has been made recently. You can expand easily by defining custom SQL queries to monitor other plugins or create your own SQL to collect information and sent it to Pandora FMS.
This plugin has been developed by
Pandora FMS team. Sourcecode is available at
- Dashboard: here, you can view a summary of the items monitored: plugins updated, version of WP and if they need an update, total users, new posts in last 24hr, new replies in 24hr and other checks.
- Audit records: You can view a table with user access data: users, IP, if the login has been correct or incorrect and how many times, and the date of the last access. Also can see if new plugins or themes have been installed and the date on which these events occurred.
- General Setup: Set general options:
- API Settings
- List of IPs with access to the API.
- Set the time to show new data in the API.
- Delete Logs Time
- Clean fields of filesystem table with status deleted for data older than X days
- Remove the status ¨new¨ on fields of filesystem table for data older than X days
- Custom SQL queries